Went and saw The Hobbit tonight. First I just need to say frack you Emagine Canton for having not one but BOTH of your real butter dispensors broken! The main reason I drove my ass out to your - albeit very nice - theater is for the rich, creamy taste of real butter upon your overpriced popcorn. To frell with you, ya fargin' bastiches!
Whew ok that being said onto the movie. I must say I really enjoyed the movie, all 2-3/4 hrs of it. I'll admit though I enjoyed LotR better. I saw LotR before reading the novel, where as I've already read The Hobbit. I dunno if that's the reason why I didn't mind the changes from the novel-to-movie as much in LotR as in The Hobbit.
Whew ok that being said onto the movie. I must say I really enjoyed the movie, all 2-3/4 hrs of it. I'll admit though I enjoyed LotR better. I saw LotR before reading the novel, where as I've already read The Hobbit. I dunno if that's the reason why I didn't mind the changes from the novel-to-movie as much in LotR as in The Hobbit.
Ok so all of that being said I still highly recommend seeing the movie. And for those who haven't read The Hobbit then there shouldn't be any issues at all. And I think for most who have read the novel first any differences are tolerable.
Thank you so much! I really hope I make the cut but I'm super proud of the work Brooklyn & I did so *fingers crossed*
thank you!