Welcome to lord Nightwings first blog....feel blessed mortals for ye shall be amazed.....nahh not really...although you will see how bad I am at punctuation and and spelling..try not to laugh too hard at me please.
This is my first here however so I will say a bit about recent stuff I guess. Well first off Aviendha was kind enought to get me a sub here to get me Thanks Aviendha. Since then I have been about a sick as you can be so thus the delay in posting on here.
A bit about me. I am male (yea me) 31..currently married (though that sadly will not be the case for much longer) I work at T-Mobile as a team supervisor ina nearby town. I also own a collectables and game store in this city. I have a great group of friends from Jersey who I rarely get to see as well as agreat group from about 40 miles away. I have a roomate and he rocks...very cool guy.
I love some of the work I have seen here on SG and the photo layouts are amazing (some of them) I fancy myself a bit of a amature photographer and have taken a few sets for friends in the past to use for there own purposes online or otherwise and will be doing a set next weekend for another friend for her myspace acct.
I do not fancy myself to be a great guy when it comes to being in pictures however. (I never seem to pose right and usually just look angry LOL!
Anyway not too much for now as it would drone on and I hate to bore people.
Until next time
Bright Blessings
We are many Wicks...Sharing a common Tallow
We darken the Skies....With the ashes of our Pray.
(Sisters of the Flame)
Lord Nightwing
Welcome to lord Nightwings first blog....feel blessed mortals for ye shall be amazed.....nahh not really...although you will see how bad I am at punctuation and and spelling..try not to laugh too hard at me please.
This is my first here however so I will say a bit about recent stuff I guess. Well first off Aviendha was kind enought to get me a sub here to get me Thanks Aviendha. Since then I have been about a sick as you can be so thus the delay in posting on here.
A bit about me. I am male (yea me) 31..currently married (though that sadly will not be the case for much longer) I work at T-Mobile as a team supervisor ina nearby town. I also own a collectables and game store in this city. I have a great group of friends from Jersey who I rarely get to see as well as agreat group from about 40 miles away. I have a roomate and he rocks...very cool guy.
I love some of the work I have seen here on SG and the photo layouts are amazing (some of them) I fancy myself a bit of a amature photographer and have taken a few sets for friends in the past to use for there own purposes online or otherwise and will be doing a set next weekend for another friend for her myspace acct.
I do not fancy myself to be a great guy when it comes to being in pictures however. (I never seem to pose right and usually just look angry LOL!
Anyway not too much for now as it would drone on and I hate to bore people.
Until next time
Bright Blessings
We are many Wicks...Sharing a common Tallow
We darken the Skies....With the ashes of our Pray.
(Sisters of the Flame)
Lord Nightwing
Thanks for the comments about my sets
I have that same dark fairy poster that's on the wall behind you in that pic

Thanks for loving my set