You know, I'm not really surprised by much anymore. Every once in awhile something will happen and I'll be like: oh wow, that's neat.
However, the one thing that does continually surprise me is how low idiotic, stupid and worthless people will go to try to hurt someone else. Especially when that someone never did anything to them. These people just seem to need that...
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However, the one thing that does continually surprise me is how low idiotic, stupid and worthless people will go to try to hurt someone else. Especially when that someone never did anything to them. These people just seem to need that...
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The pinup icon Bettie Page was taken off life support on the night of the 11th last week after being in a coma. She was 85 years old.
She touched the lives of a lot of people and will be greatly missed.
She touched the lives of a lot of people and will be greatly missed.

thank you!

its good to be back...yeah i dont know what the fuck it is when men here... meh.
Its time for an update. I think a more general post would be more appropriate at this point than some rant about my Ex. All the drama is over and I talk to her maybe every few weeks and that's as far as it goes. Time to devote my energy to other things. 
Work and school. Work and school. That's all there really is these...
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Work and school. Work and school. That's all there really is these...
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no way my kids are going to be the cutiest!
I'm so psyched about my set! I just hope it does better than the last one!
She's coming to see me!!!! She's coming to see me!!!! The ticket has been bought and she'll be here on the 22nd. I can hardly believe it!!!! We are going to be together at last!!!!

thanks for your comment about my set!

Went up and saw The Cruxshadows play in San Francisco a little over a week ago. The venue was one I'd never heard of before. It was called Boondock Bay. The website said it was a bar and restaraunt, so I went up a couple hours before the show thinking I could get some dinner. Unfortunately, that part of the venue was closed. Damn. However,...
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Well, that is of course if I can figure out something i want to tell all you gentle people. *ponder*


This blog entry is no longer relevant so it has been retired.
I'll post something else soon.

I'll post something else soon.
dirty? the picture or the link?