Hey guys! I really didn't fall off the planet or anything! I've been working mad amounts of alot and getting ready to head back to SF! (ThankGOD!). Basically I have tons of classes not time for much else. Although recently I did have quite the encounter with Cradle of Filth, The 69 Eyes, and 3 Inches of Blood in Cleveland OH. It was an amazing show and totally worth braving the below zero temps for good spots in the pit! All in all my friends managed to trash a 4 star hotel room that luckily I have yet to see any charges from! None the less I so deeply pity anyone who did not see them. As of late I have mostly been bored as fucking hell! Mi novia is in SF leaving me freezing and bored luckily work keeps me pretty well interacted with people otherwise I'd certainly be balled up in a corner somewhere by now! Haha anyways sometime next week I'm going to possibly get a new tattoo and hopefully dragging anomaly8 along with me! So stay tuned all!
~Peace Love Harmony~

~Peace Love Harmony~
Nah, I may be big but I'm getting pretty fragile.
I promoted myself to Sound Tech at the Icon so I don't have to wrangle morons all night... just the morons in the bands.
SF sounds great right now. I need a vacation.
Yeah we'll hang out, next week sometime Meggie and I'll come down think were gonna do that bonfire shindig. Won't be a big deal just relaxin in the woods with a fire trying to soak up as much of the rural area as possible before we move to the concrete jungle, with booze and fireworks involved of course haha.
Tomorrow Chel comes out! Woo woo! Can't wait to meet her!