If it's true, as some of the Utilitarians say, that we are the connections we make in the world, then most of us won't last a week when we're gone from it.
"We used to say that Frisbee is really a religion -- 'Frisbyterians,' we'd call ourselves. When we die, we don't go to purgatory. We just land up on the roof and lay there."
-- 'Steady Ed Headrick, inventor of the modern frisbee
"Pound the prarie pavement
A losin' proposition
Quittin' school & goin' to work
& never goin' fishin'
Water all around
Never learn how to swim now..."
-- Paul W.
It's a cliche, sure, but I still wonder: When people look back on the '90s, will it seem to them like the '20s seem to us?
People think that the market crashed in October 1929. But it didn't; it stumbled over a few weeks around that time, and then steadily declined. Kind of like it has over the past three years.
It's very easy to confuse the underlying cause for doing something with one's reason for doing it.
Example: The underlying cause for my perpetual search for sexual and emotional bonding is the complex of instincts surrounding reproduction. But that's got nearly nothing to do with my personal reasons for seeking those things.
It seems to me that Libertarians and Supply-Side zealots make this error most... Read More