I'm gone. Goodbye.
Yup. Going to watch Pirates with the girl today. Date+Birthday+Pirates=Happy Loper.

woot woot!

So yes, my girlfriend and I had a lovely romantic evening tonight. We held eachother and watched the stars. It has been quite some time since I have done that, it was nice. I am glowing...

You are going to enlist?! In what branch?
And why haven't you told me this before?!
And why haven't you told me this before?!

At Rat House Studios, we have added to our deviantART gallery, so please go look. And remember, you must be logged in to deviantART to view ALL our deviations.
Rat House Studios at deviantART
Rat House Studios at deviantART
That's your sis? Oh my gawd, she's cute! Congrats to her 

Ugh... I don't know what the right thing to do is anymore. I think I am losing my grip on everything. Am I losing it?
Ok SG, I'm sorry but this new layout SUCKS ASS!!!! I want the old one back.