treE oF lifE
thE negativE veilS
aiN, "nothinG"
aiN sopH, "thE boundlesS"
aiN sopH auR, "thE limitlesS lighT"
sephirotH (emanationS)
ketheR, "crowN"
chokmaH, "wisdoM"
binaH, "understandinG"
cheseD, "mercY"
geburaH, "strengtH"
tipharetH, "beautY"
netzacH, "victorY"
hoD, "splendouR"
yesoD, "thE foundatioN"
malkutH, "thE kingdoM"
therE iS alsO thE "falsE" sephirA, daatH, oR knowledgE.
thE pathS
therE arE 22 pathS thaT connecT thE teN sephirotH. theY arE nameD accordinG tO thE 22 letterS oF thE hebreW alphabeT.
alepH, "oX"
betH, "housE"
gimeL, "cameL"
daletH, "dooR"
h, "windoW"
vaU, "naiL"
zaiN, "sworD"
chetH, "fencE"
tetH, "serpenT"
yoD, "hanD"
kapH, "palM"
lameD, "oX goaD"
meM, "wateR"
nuN, "fisH"
samekH, "proP"
ayiN, "eyE"
p, "moutH"
tzaddI, "fisH-hooK"
qopH, "bacK oF heaD"
resH, "heaD"
shiN, "tootH"
taU, "crosS"
thE veilS
thE veiL oF paroketH
thE veiL oF thE abysS
thE pillarS
thE verticaL columnS oF thE sephirotH forM threE "pillarS":
boaZ_thE lefT pillaR, calleD severitY (binaH, geburaH, anD hoD)
middlE pillaR_thE centeR columN, calleD balancE (ketheR, tipharetH, yesoD, malkutH)
jachiN_thE righT pillaR, calleD mercY (chokmaH, cheseD, netzacH)
thE triplicitieS
abovE thE physicaL worlD oF malkutH, therE arE threE setS oF threE sephirotH:
thE supernalS_ketheR, chokmaH, anD binaH
cheseD, geburaH, anD tipharetH
netzacH, hoD, anD yesoD
thE fouR worldS
briaH (thE creativE worlD)
atzilutH (thE archetypicaL worlD)
yetziraH (thE formativE worlD)
assiaH (thE materiaL worlD)
thE partS oF thE souL
yechidaH (thE selF)
chiaH (thE lifE forcE)
neshamA (thE intuitioN)
ruacH (thE intellecT)
nephesH (thE animaL souL)
thE negativE veilS
aiN, "nothinG"
aiN sopH, "thE boundlesS"
aiN sopH auR, "thE limitlesS lighT"
sephirotH (emanationS)
ketheR, "crowN"
chokmaH, "wisdoM"
binaH, "understandinG"
cheseD, "mercY"
geburaH, "strengtH"
tipharetH, "beautY"
netzacH, "victorY"
hoD, "splendouR"
yesoD, "thE foundatioN"
malkutH, "thE kingdoM"
therE iS alsO thE "falsE" sephirA, daatH, oR knowledgE.
thE pathS
therE arE 22 pathS thaT connecT thE teN sephirotH. theY arE nameD accordinG tO thE 22 letterS oF thE hebreW alphabeT.
alepH, "oX"
betH, "housE"
gimeL, "cameL"
daletH, "dooR"
h, "windoW"
vaU, "naiL"
zaiN, "sworD"
chetH, "fencE"
tetH, "serpenT"
yoD, "hanD"
kapH, "palM"
lameD, "oX goaD"
meM, "wateR"
nuN, "fisH"
samekH, "proP"
ayiN, "eyE"
p, "moutH"
tzaddI, "fisH-hooK"
qopH, "bacK oF heaD"
resH, "heaD"
shiN, "tootH"
taU, "crosS"
thE veilS
thE veiL oF paroketH
thE veiL oF thE abysS
thE pillarS
thE verticaL columnS oF thE sephirotH forM threE "pillarS":
boaZ_thE lefT pillaR, calleD severitY (binaH, geburaH, anD hoD)
middlE pillaR_thE centeR columN, calleD balancE (ketheR, tipharetH, yesoD, malkutH)
jachiN_thE righT pillaR, calleD mercY (chokmaH, cheseD, netzacH)
thE triplicitieS
abovE thE physicaL worlD oF malkutH, therE arE threE setS oF threE sephirotH:
thE supernalS_ketheR, chokmaH, anD binaH
cheseD, geburaH, anD tipharetH
netzacH, hoD, anD yesoD
thE fouR worldS
briaH (thE creativE worlD)
atzilutH (thE archetypicaL worlD)
yetziraH (thE formativE worlD)
assiaH (thE materiaL worlD)
thE partS oF thE souL
yechidaH (thE selF)
chiaH (thE lifE forcE)
neshamA (thE intuitioN)
ruacH (thE intellecT)
nephesH (thE animaL souL)