ponY uP
i lovE thiS albuM @ thE noW, it"S gettinG lotS oF aiR timE @ mY placE...therE'S onE particulaR sonG "dancE foR mE" i reallY likE...
havE yoU eveR wondereD, iF you changeD jusT onE worD iN a sonG, iT woulD makE iT < >thaT mucH betteR??? welL i diD witH thiS sonG...i lovE heR voicE buT i thinK i'D changE 'dancE' tO 'fucK' iN thE choruS thaT'D bE cooL...
i knoW iT'S still noV buT haS anY thoughT abouT whaT theY'rE doinG foR n.y.e. yeT???
anY waY somE picS oF thE girlS beforE i gO...
byE 4 noW
i lovE thiS albuM @ thE noW, it"S gettinG lotS oF aiR timE @ mY placE...therE'S onE particulaR sonG "dancE foR mE" i reallY likE...
havE yoU eveR wondereD, iF you changeD jusT onE worD iN a sonG, iT woulD makE iT < >thaT mucH betteR??? welL i diD witH thiS sonG...i lovE heR voicE buT i thinK i'D changE 'dancE' tO 'fucK' iN thE choruS thaT'D bE cooL...
i knoW iT'S still noV buT haS anY thoughT abouT whaT theY'rE doinG foR n.y.e. yeT???
anY waY somE picS oF thE girlS beforE i gO...
byE 4 noW
New year's? No idea yet. I always forget to plan and then end up scrambling. As for pony up i will give them a listen, and yes my boss listens to the radio at work and 90% of pop music i come up with funny variations to keep from going insane, that and listen to Metal really loud all the way to work and home again.
Pony up is an awesome name!