kinG baaL
dukE agareS
princE vassagO
marquiS samiginA
presidenT marbaS
dukE valefoR
varquiS amoN
dukE barbatoS
kinG paimoN
presidenT bueR
dukE gusioN
princE sitrI
kinG beletH
marquiS lerajE
dukE eligoS
dukE zepaR
counT/presidenT botiS
dukE bathiN
dukE salloS
kinG pursoN
counT/presidenT maraX
counT/princE ipoS
dukE aiM
marquiS naberiuS
counT/presidenT glasyA-labolaS
dukE bunE
marquiS/counT ronovE
dukE beritH
dukE astarotH
marquiS forneuS
presidenT foraS
kinG asmodeuS
princE/presidenT gaaP
counT furfuR
marquiS marchosiaS
princE stolaS
marquiS pheneX
counT halphaS
presidenT malphaS
counT rauM
dukE focaloR
dukE vepaR
marquiS sabnocK
marquiS shaX
kinG/counT vinE
counT bifronS
dukE uvalL
presidenT haagentI
dukE crocelL
knighT furcaS
kinG balaM
dukE alloceS
presidenT caiM
dukE/counT murmuR
princE orobaS
dukE gremorY
presidenT osE
presidenT amY
marquiS oriaS
dukE vapulA
kinG/presidenT zagaN
presidenT volaC
marquiS andraS
dukE haureS
marquiS andrealphuS
marquiS cimejeS
dukE amdusiaS
kinG beliaL
marquiS decarabiA
princE seerE
dukE dantalioN
counT andromaliuS
kinG baaL
dukE agareS
princE vassagO
marquiS samiginA
presidenT marbaS
dukE valefoR
varquiS amoN
dukE barbatoS
kinG paimoN
presidenT bueR
dukE gusioN
princE sitrI
kinG beletH
marquiS lerajE
dukE eligoS
dukE zepaR
counT/presidenT botiS
dukE bathiN
dukE salloS
kinG pursoN
counT/presidenT maraX
counT/princE ipoS
dukE aiM
marquiS naberiuS
counT/presidenT glasyA-labolaS
dukE bunE
marquiS/counT ronovE
dukE beritH
dukE astarotH
marquiS forneuS
presidenT foraS
kinG asmodeuS
princE/presidenT gaaP
counT furfuR
marquiS marchosiaS
princE stolaS
marquiS pheneX
counT halphaS
presidenT malphaS
counT rauM
dukE focaloR
dukE vepaR
marquiS sabnocK
marquiS shaX
kinG/counT vinE
counT bifronS
dukE uvalL
presidenT haagentI
dukE crocelL
knighT furcaS
kinG balaM
dukE alloceS
presidenT caiM
dukE/counT murmuR
princE orobaS
dukE gremorY
presidenT osE
presidenT amY
marquiS oriaS
dukE vapulA
kinG/presidenT zagaN
presidenT volaC
marquiS andraS
dukE haureS
marquiS andrealphuS
marquiS cimejeS
dukE amdusiaS
kinG beliaL
marquiS decarabiA
princE seerE
dukE dantalioN
counT andromaliuS

I just read up a tad on Legemeton Calvicula Solomonis (I believe that's what you're speaking of), and it made me think of a project that I did earlier this year; did you know that inside the Manitoba Legislative Building in WInnipeg, Manitoba, the LUteninet Governors room has the exact dimensions of Solomon's Temple...the building was built by masons. I believe this relates slightly to what you speak of...maybe? perhaps? hmm