thE greeN fairY
halF accidentaL
halF paiN fulL instrumentaL
i havE A loT tO thinK abouT
yoU thinK theY'rE jokinG?
yoU havE tO gO provokE hiM...
i guesS iT'S higH timE yoU founD ouT
twO halveS arE equaL
A crosS betweeN twO evilS
iT'S noT aN enviablE loT
buT iF yoU listeN
yoU'lL learN tO heaR thE differencE
betweeN thE halfS anD thE halF notS
i lovE thaT sonG...
halF accidentaL
halF paiN fulL instrumentaL
i havE A loT tO thinK abouT
yoU thinK theY'rE jokinG?
yoU havE tO gO provokE hiM...
i guesS iT'S higH timE yoU founD ouT
twO halveS arE equaL
A crosS betweeN twO evilS
iT'S noT aN enviablE loT
buT iF yoU listeN
yoU'lL learN tO heaR thE differencE
betweeN thE halfS anD thE halF notS
i lovE thaT sonG...
i drank too much once. it was pretty crazy.
just popping by to say hello.
i love the photo