sometimes i hate being a woman. menstral mood swings and cramps coupled with the crippling depression that my new convenient yet not quite up to par birthcontrol seems to have made worse... thank you soylentzombie for listening to me bitch and being a good internet friend <3
still looking for a second job, but i dont know how im going to do it... i come home from work totally exausted (may still be pms trying to work itself out), and all i wanna do is sleep on my days off..... but i cant.... cause everyone i live with totally sucks ass....
but to move out i need to get a second job, which means i probly wont have any days off or time to do anything.... much less get the precious sleep i so covet...
i guess ill just have to deal with exhaustion and minor malnutrition until i can figure something else out, or win the goddamned lottery, whichever comes first.
things arent awful, this situation is teaching me a lot about myself and a lot about other people and how to deal with them. im sure everyone in my house thinks im a total bitch cause i have very VERY little tolerance for idiocy or general ignorance... because i dont coddle them when theyre drunk, and because i say what im actually thinking to their face instead of behind their back like everyone else in the house. i wear my heart on my sleeve and im sick of being a bitch here. i wanna be nice and humble and accommodating at my own house. i wanna have bbqs and have people actually show up.... i want to have a place where i can focus on me, and what i want, and where im not afraid of people stealing my food and where i can have guests, or my boyfriend over without any one throwing a fucking hissy fit. i want my friends to be comfortable at my home, and thats never gonna happen here and i feel like im never gonna get out of here.... its frustrating to say the least
but again, positvie.... learning experience.... it will end eventually..... i gotta look on the bright side, ive been told im good at that
<3 i love my sg blog, it makes saying things so easy
still looking for a second job, but i dont know how im going to do it... i come home from work totally exausted (may still be pms trying to work itself out), and all i wanna do is sleep on my days off..... but i cant.... cause everyone i live with totally sucks ass....
but to move out i need to get a second job, which means i probly wont have any days off or time to do anything.... much less get the precious sleep i so covet...
i guess ill just have to deal with exhaustion and minor malnutrition until i can figure something else out, or win the goddamned lottery, whichever comes first.
things arent awful, this situation is teaching me a lot about myself and a lot about other people and how to deal with them. im sure everyone in my house thinks im a total bitch cause i have very VERY little tolerance for idiocy or general ignorance... because i dont coddle them when theyre drunk, and because i say what im actually thinking to their face instead of behind their back like everyone else in the house. i wear my heart on my sleeve and im sick of being a bitch here. i wanna be nice and humble and accommodating at my own house. i wanna have bbqs and have people actually show up.... i want to have a place where i can focus on me, and what i want, and where im not afraid of people stealing my food and where i can have guests, or my boyfriend over without any one throwing a fucking hissy fit. i want my friends to be comfortable at my home, and thats never gonna happen here and i feel like im never gonna get out of here.... its frustrating to say the least
but again, positvie.... learning experience.... it will end eventually..... i gotta look on the bright side, ive been told im good at that
<3 i love my sg blog, it makes saying things so easy
