so the douchebag with the crippled dog(not the dogs fault, and the dudes not taking care of her) isnt moved out yet but hes been gone all day, as per usual when someone has a problem with him or the way he treats his dog... sonofabitch! im so mad at that guy... his dog gets in a terrible accident, cant use her back legs and he lets her sit in her own shit and piss all day, and then feels sorry for himself when he actually has to deal with it. im so fucking sick of grown ass men acting like children. if theres a problem, deal with it.... dont get fucked up and shove shit on your landlord.... makes no sense at all. argh!
on a lighter note, my boo's gonna be home tomorrow evening
and im super duper excited. i really cant wait, hes been gone for a long time and its great.
and my birthday is this weekend. going bowling in santa monica and getting a hotel with my boy
hope everyone has a good weekend <3
on a lighter note, my boo's gonna be home tomorrow evening

and my birthday is this weekend. going bowling in santa monica and getting a hotel with my boy

hope everyone has a good weekend <3