HELP!!! I'm melting!!!
Went to the good ol' County Fair Saturday, Love the Carni Folk.
Deep Fried........Everything, Including my Daughter and Myself. Of course she didn't care, she got everything she wanted (all most). I think I'm going to be in trouble when she gets older, hell I am now.
Feel bad for the doggies, they look miserable. gave the Rats a bath today, that's right I'll post pics. I like to fill the tub with about an inch or so of water and let them loose, they seem to enjoy it. They are worse than dogs, they hear me coming and sit at the edge of their cage waiting for food. Probably my fault, but whatever. I'm such a sucker for a cute face, haha.
Shit, I can't sleep. 10 pm and still in the upper 80's. blah
Went to the good ol' County Fair Saturday, Love the Carni Folk.
Deep Fried........Everything, Including my Daughter and Myself. Of course she didn't care, she got everything she wanted (all most). I think I'm going to be in trouble when she gets older, hell I am now.

Feel bad for the doggies, they look miserable. gave the Rats a bath today, that's right I'll post pics. I like to fill the tub with about an inch or so of water and let them loose, they seem to enjoy it. They are worse than dogs, they hear me coming and sit at the edge of their cage waiting for food. Probably my fault, but whatever. I'm such a sucker for a cute face, haha.
Shit, I can't sleep. 10 pm and still in the upper 80's. blah
heavy metal is GOOOOOD

haha yeah her set rocked it out