As I'm driving into work this morning, I was listening to the local dj's talk about this and talk about that. And then something caught my attention...a woman with two vaginas? I guess they were talking about it the other morning. Some woman had two uteruses (or is that uteri...what the hell is the plural of uterus?), two canals, pretty much two of everything. She got pregnant in each uterus and gave birth to both. Then some girl emailed them and said that the dj's shouldn't be grossed out by this bizarre circumstance, and that she too had two vaginas. You think that's weird? Yeah, it gets even weirder...
So I'm freaking out as I'm listening to this because I too have kind of, in a round about way, come across a girl with two vaginas...or Tammy Two-Puss as I like to call her.
About a year ago, my boyfriend comes to me and says, "Baby, I've got to tell you something...don't be mad." Of course my heart jumps out of my chest and I start to get mad instantly before I even knew what he was going to say. He was at his friend's house the night before and there was a girl there who was bragging that she had two vaginas. No one believed her. So of course she has to prove it, and she decides to pick one guy, out of the 5 or 6 guys there, to take in the bathroom and show. Who's the lucky winner? Yeah, my boyfriend. They go in the bathroom, she drops her shorts and spreads eagle. Upon first glance, I guess you can't really tell that there are actually two canals. Upon closer "inspection" for "scientific purposes only," my boy did indeed prove that this girl had to vaginas. When he told me, I didn't know whether to punch him in his face or laugh my ass off. I chose the latter. I mean, how many times in your life are you going to come across a girl with two vaginas? If you're lucky, once.
So when I told him what I heard on the radio this morning, he asked me if they gave out the girl's name who sent the email. I told him her name was Stephanie...yeah, not the same girl from his friend's house. Could it be? Two girls in the Columbus area with two vaginas each? Un-fucking-believeable.
Apparently, having two vaginas isn't as rare as I thought. Your chances of running into a girl with two vaginas is greater than winning the lottery.
NOTE: No, my boyfriend didn't fuck her. Thank you very much.
So I'm freaking out as I'm listening to this because I too have kind of, in a round about way, come across a girl with two vaginas...or Tammy Two-Puss as I like to call her.
About a year ago, my boyfriend comes to me and says, "Baby, I've got to tell you something...don't be mad." Of course my heart jumps out of my chest and I start to get mad instantly before I even knew what he was going to say. He was at his friend's house the night before and there was a girl there who was bragging that she had two vaginas. No one believed her. So of course she has to prove it, and she decides to pick one guy, out of the 5 or 6 guys there, to take in the bathroom and show. Who's the lucky winner? Yeah, my boyfriend. They go in the bathroom, she drops her shorts and spreads eagle. Upon first glance, I guess you can't really tell that there are actually two canals. Upon closer "inspection" for "scientific purposes only," my boy did indeed prove that this girl had to vaginas. When he told me, I didn't know whether to punch him in his face or laugh my ass off. I chose the latter. I mean, how many times in your life are you going to come across a girl with two vaginas? If you're lucky, once.
So when I told him what I heard on the radio this morning, he asked me if they gave out the girl's name who sent the email. I told him her name was Stephanie...yeah, not the same girl from his friend's house. Could it be? Two girls in the Columbus area with two vaginas each? Un-fucking-believeable.

NOTE: No, my boyfriend didn't fuck her. Thank you very much.
i'll leave it at that.