Like a feeling that I'm down
Down inside my heart
Like I'm looking out through
Splitting bloodred
Windows in my heart
From a higher up than heaven
And a harder down than stone
Shake the fear that always clawing
Pulls me clawing down alone
As I spitting splitting bloodred
Breaking windows in my heart
And the past is taunting
Fear of ghosts
Is forcing me...
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and it's all just bleeding out my brain
spilling into thoughts and mindless clutter....

trying to grasp the intangeable...but all it does is slip through my fingers.
why do we sometimes feel so alone....like the nothing is quickly approaching ready to consume the emptiness that fills us.
sometimes it seems like we spend most of our lives waiting...waiting for something to happen, waiting for things...
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I just stepped off, it's not so bad smile
Here's the thing: You step off, knowing not ignoring or blocking out that there's nothing beneath you, and somehow you find the self belief enough that you don't fall. Some of us fall headlong into the bottomless pit. Some of us fall for a bit, then gradually gain altitude, bobbing up and down as the mood takes us. Some sour into the clouds never to be seen again. And some walk around like there's ground underneath their feet (bastards). The ones to watch out for are the ones who deny that there's *nothing* underneath them. They tend to get a major surprise at some point or another.

It's a mad kind of courage thing we need.

Your studies sound interesting and I know what you mean about wanting to improve the quality of therapy - there are a lot of very bad clinical psychologists and psychotherapists out there. It's a great shame because for most people in need of help it's largely pot luck as to whether they get good or crap help. I always tell potential clients to look around before choosing, if they can.

I don't really specialise but I guess most of my work is around issues of identity/loss of self, anger, depression, and general anxiety. One of the things which seems to underlie most of this work is the willingness/unwillingness to change and the idea that being anything other then you are is somehow fake.

Edit: Inspirations? The people I work with and for, trying to live their lives in spite of it all. Aims and ambitions? I want to write a book or two and grow my practice/centre. I also want to live somewhere where I can take country walks and have dogs. Robert Smith? Yeah, that's him, not me smile (I want to remain visually anonymous for boring professional reasons.)

[Edited on Mar 06, 2005 2:43PM]
had a dream last night that a cute little gray and black kitten was the antichrist and it was my job to stop it from taking over the world. i've been studying dreams for quite a while and it's rare for me to have something as silly as this-

usually my dreams are pretty normal, mostly involving feelings i have about people. after the kitten...
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Introducing Damien:


...I want to wake up with you.

Gweetings. I can't imagine why you'd think I was an interesting chap?! blush

Anti-Christ kitten seeking world domination? Hmmm. Why did you think it was silly? Sounds quite evocative to me.

So what sort of thing do you do? You mentioned psych stuff but you also mentioned and seem quite into astrology.
Upon a clouded vision I did see
a stolen moonshine beaming down on me.
In whispy meadows,
by teardrops eye,
A fallen faerie once did cry
With a ragged wing,
and a wandering heart
Did this faerie's sugary voice solemnly depart:

O sweet heaven,
O sweet pain,
O why on my heart must thou rain?
For no longer am I left to hear,
the tinkling...
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That's the thing about lyrics journals, I never knoww aht in the blue blazes to say to them tongue

The lyrics are.. uhh... nice I guess. So... umm... how's the weather? tongue
No woman ever needs excuses to miss a lecture so long as she has a male lecturer, just tell him you had women's problems and embarrass him into submission wink

Imagine a world without mirrors or cameras of any kind- a place where the only way you could see yourself was through the eyes of other people. Would you feel more self-conscious or self-confident? Too often we our decieved by our perceptions- some being too arrogant while others being overly critical of every little "flaw". Some people spend too much time focusing on perfecting...
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Ive been thinking about that a few times actually... and I came to the conclusion that there would be some balance to be found, as in everything.

If you consider that mirrors or cameras dont exist...

There still is the basic fact that the world as we know it only exists in the way we see it. Everyones reflection/perception of others is already distorted by the way the other person thinks of you (with or without knowing you). Indeed, whatever image of you they will mirror and that you may want to believe is actually you, it is bound to be flawed from the start since it just cant be objective (as a result of the way the mind works). As you said, your aura creates the way you are perceived. It goes way beyond initial cosmetic beauty. So, would that make you too self-conscious or too self-confident to be liked or rejected by people around you? I guess it all depends on your own knowledge/awareness of yourself and your actions.

Without mirrors, cosmetic beauty wouldnt play such a part in helping to build or destroy self-confidence... but would that make us happier to be blind to our own image and not be able to express ourselves through it, since it is such an important part of humanity on this earth? Have you noticed how real-life blind people are never the worst dressed ones...?

Lets just say that the beautiful people whose appearance dictates almost everything they are will never be happy, since there shall always be someone somewhere to think they are ugly & empty, regardless of whats inside of them, be it good or bad.

Being able to look into yourself is the key.


PS: I hope I make sense, that stupid cold has given me a master headache and I'm all Lemsip'ed blackeyed
thanks, I really like your hair too, beautiful colour!
hm, I wonder if michael jackson would have never ended up like this without any mirrors there. confused
My bf never looks into mirrors. the only negative things that come from that are: he won't notice when his piercing is infected, he won't see he needs to shave, his hair looks the "true" just-out-of-bed style. biggrin
although, when i first met him he seemed to have a low opinion about his appearance, thinking he wasn't good looking at all. so when I dresssed him up for a night out and forced him infront of a mirror it helped him to realise that he isn't the ugly ducky he thought he was.

have you read the beach? after being on the beach for a while, richard goes on the rice run and is told to have a look in a mirror for the first time in many months. he can't recognise himself, since his appearance has changed immensely and is slightly shocked about the state he's in. shocked
damn, haven't even been on here a week and i'm already gettin sucked in! i just wanted to thank everyone for being so friendly - it's gonna take a little while for me to get back to all of you but nonetheless, your sincerity is most appreciated! best wishes and many kisses kiss
i guess it's about time that i post something...however, i don't seem to have much to say at the moment. brain is temporarily out of order- thanks to the massive amounts of alcoholic consumptions. had a fun weekend though but i think i will definitly need to chill on the drinking a bit! Anyways, Happy V Day...never been real big on hallmark holidays but just...
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:doffs cap:

'Ey up there. smile
Is this a dream, is this the real life biggrin

Mmmm your hair is the friend's comment colour, good choice smile

Love the lips/lippy and congrats on lasting Chinese New Year with the SGUK people,yay biggrin biggrin