Wow, alot's happened to me since last I updated. I've moved twice, once into a house I didn't even get to see before I moved in and turned out to be a massive fleabag shithole. I hated it from the moment I walked in the front door. It doesn't help that I didn't like a majority of my roommates there, and that they live like squatters. Plus, the roommate I disliked most had a dog, this adorable little German Shepherd mix puppy, that he didn't take care of, and expected us to. He always referred to it as "our dog," even though I didn't want it in the first place, and the other roommates are getting rather sick of it as well. I don't think the poor pup is long for this world.
But anyway, I left there, and one fitting memory I retain from when I was moving out. I enlisted my dad's help (and van) to move the bigger stuff out, and when I finished guiding him to the place, I walk in the door to our little patio to find a massive pile of dog shit just sitting on the patio. I had to crack a grin at that. It was just so perfect.
So the place I moved into is far and away better than the first. (I even have a closet! That shouldn't be something to get excited about!) My room's a little small, since I moved in last and got last pick, but it's still nice. My only gripe is that the upstairs is designed for midgets. I'm a short dude, and I can reach straight up and lay my palm on the ceiling. And in my room, there's a ceiling fan that has less than a foot of clearance to my head. It clocked my finger pretty good when I was trying to string some extension cord around the room my first day here.
But my roommates are cool, and they're clean, too.
In other news, I got a raise as well as a promotion with a raise in the same week. And we're on overtime right now at work, so I'm making what to me has to pass for the big bucks. Maybe I'll pay off some credit card bills. Or maybe I'll just blow it all on Ebay again.
Decisions, decisions. Okay, work calls. Gotta go.
But anyway, I left there, and one fitting memory I retain from when I was moving out. I enlisted my dad's help (and van) to move the bigger stuff out, and when I finished guiding him to the place, I walk in the door to our little patio to find a massive pile of dog shit just sitting on the patio. I had to crack a grin at that. It was just so perfect.
So the place I moved into is far and away better than the first. (I even have a closet! That shouldn't be something to get excited about!) My room's a little small, since I moved in last and got last pick, but it's still nice. My only gripe is that the upstairs is designed for midgets. I'm a short dude, and I can reach straight up and lay my palm on the ceiling. And in my room, there's a ceiling fan that has less than a foot of clearance to my head. It clocked my finger pretty good when I was trying to string some extension cord around the room my first day here.

In other news, I got a raise as well as a promotion with a raise in the same week. And we're on overtime right now at work, so I'm making what to me has to pass for the big bucks. Maybe I'll pay off some credit card bills. Or maybe I'll just blow it all on Ebay again.

I am glad things worked out for you! 

Sorry to be a random weirdo commenting here, but I wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed reading your intelligent and carefully detailed response to Tearsunending's post in the Ex-Christians group. It seems that a lot of the time, discussions between the religious and the non-religious devolve into ugliness and mudslinging, and it's incredibly refreshing to see the reasonable, well-considered answers you gave.