Well, I was right. I couldn't have 2 nice nights at work in a row. Tonight was... long. If I was in a worse mood when I went in, I'd say it sucked ass, but I wasn't, and it didn't. I was just pretty resigned about it. The closest thing to a break I took in 8 hours was about a 3-minute walk to the vending machine over in another department that had non-diet Mountain Dew in it. The fun part is that I got to introduce a 60-ish year old woman to the joy that is Alkaline Trio. She's probably the coolest lady who works there. I guess it's true that good company makes even bad jobs (and days, in this case) easier to bear. I'm actually a little weirded out that I like this job so much. Well, I know I won't be staying, so I'd better not get too attached.
I was thinking today, though, about why I'm not more outraged at the "war" that just went down. I figured that it's because the whole damn thing was just so surreal. After Afghanistan (a place we also had no real reason to be, and I was genuinely pissed off about), Bush started making overtures toward Iraq. It was just hard to take seriously, because it came out of nowhere. Iraq hadn't done much of anything in 12 years, and they weren't really a threat. But then overtures started being made, and it still seemed pretty hazy. Then we started getting serious, and the U.N. sent in their boys. We had plans to go to war that began before they could even finish. Indeed, we ended up driving the inspectors out so we could wage war. How bullshit is that? Now it's over, and I don't mind that Saddam is gone (he was an asshole anyway), but it bothers me that we were so quick to jump to war, and indeed that peace had never been a priority. We violated another nation's sovereignty on no conclusive grounds, and from what we've seen so far, even our post-war searches haven't turned up anything. I have a feeling Bush would keep us perpetually at war if he could, and that scares me. One, because he could very well set off a thermonuclear war (and the earth becomes a very quiet neighborhood for a few millenia), or that we're embarking on a quest for global hegemony, and most of America couldn't give a shit less as long as their lives aren't unduly affected. We're in a sorry place, and I think I'm still more part of the problem than I am the solution. That, and the left needs to pull their shit together, but that's another rant for another day.
I was thinking today, though, about why I'm not more outraged at the "war" that just went down. I figured that it's because the whole damn thing was just so surreal. After Afghanistan (a place we also had no real reason to be, and I was genuinely pissed off about), Bush started making overtures toward Iraq. It was just hard to take seriously, because it came out of nowhere. Iraq hadn't done much of anything in 12 years, and they weren't really a threat. But then overtures started being made, and it still seemed pretty hazy. Then we started getting serious, and the U.N. sent in their boys. We had plans to go to war that began before they could even finish. Indeed, we ended up driving the inspectors out so we could wage war. How bullshit is that? Now it's over, and I don't mind that Saddam is gone (he was an asshole anyway), but it bothers me that we were so quick to jump to war, and indeed that peace had never been a priority. We violated another nation's sovereignty on no conclusive grounds, and from what we've seen so far, even our post-war searches haven't turned up anything. I have a feeling Bush would keep us perpetually at war if he could, and that scares me. One, because he could very well set off a thermonuclear war (and the earth becomes a very quiet neighborhood for a few millenia), or that we're embarking on a quest for global hegemony, and most of America couldn't give a shit less as long as their lives aren't unduly affected. We're in a sorry place, and I think I'm still more part of the problem than I am the solution. That, and the left needs to pull their shit together, but that's another rant for another day.
i consciously chose ignorance.
So soon, just be patient...