Going back to Muscatine, my hometown, for the weekend. It's a magical land, where the air smells of vinegar, ketchup and drying cattle feed. The city planners have this annoying tendency to attach Musca- or Muskie to things around the city, like the MuscaBus or Muskie Motors. So we've taken to calling the curious aroma surrounding the city the Muscastench. Seriously, I'd almost rather live by a hog lot.
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Random snippets from today's conversations: Shy Asian co-worker, w… -
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My Robot Chicken DVD arrived in the mail today! Hell goddamn yes. -
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Friday Dec 23, 2005
Well, I get to head back to my dad's place for the holiday season soo… -
Friday Dec 16, 2005
Hey hey, I'm trashed. -
Sunday Nov 27, 2005
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Well, take your time, eat your vinagrette steak and ketchup burger, masturbate, sleep well, and do magic!
[Edited on May 06, 2005 6:10PM]
It was entirely fictional and part of an assignment I had for class. I don't really know how to not integrate pain into my writings. Not that it is the on ly thing I have experienced, but I just feel it is universal and something that everyone can relate to, so it did affect me, but I hoped it would affect the reader more.
I really appreciate that you left a comment!