First off, Happy Birthday to me! That day was a marathon. I slept about 3 hours, finished up my application to rejoin the college I got booted from and got it sent, and took a quiz. And found out I'd nailed a perfect score on my psych test. Booyah. My family didn't do anything for my B-day on that day, but the next night we went and at at Cheddar's, which was new to me, and good as well. They played "Happy Birthday" on kazoos for me.
Then we did the Thanksgiving thing in Des Moines at my aunt and uncle's place, where I once again got abused by my cute little cousins. I'm their teddy bear, punching bag and trained dolphin. It's quite tiring. Then Saturday we did my birthday, and we ended up with too much cake. (Nice problem, right?) I baked a cake (red velvet, mmm), and my brother brought over a cookie cake I hadn't expected him to. I also got a Space Ghost T-shirt and Al Franken's latest book, among other things. So now I'm happy. Even though I have tonight to read 300 pages and write six pages worth of papers. That ain't nothing. Bring it on, life!