And another inebriated weekend passes. Saw Underworld on Friday, thought it was decent flick. It won't change my life, but I liked the vampire/werewolf mythos they set up. Hopefully the sequel (and there will be one...) will have a bit more of what the first lacked: action sequences that last longer than 2 minutes. On Saturday I drove my old roommate back up to my old stomping ground, and stayed the night there at another friend's place who threw a party. We made a jungle juice-type concoction we nicknamed ooze (due to its resemblance to the mutagen from TMNT 2 with the same name) and got stupid drunk. We made it in a clear plastic hanging-file-type box, and sucked it out of plastic tubes threaded through holes in the top. That's good fun. Plus, a girl visited the party that I hadn't seen in a while, and didn't expect her to be there. (She came to the party to see me!) She's a sweetie, and I'm glad I got to talk to her again. The only bad part about the weekend is that one of my brakes failed on the way up, so now I've got no power brakes and only one working brake in the front. Gonna have to get that shit checked out this week. But overall, good weekend. Back to school. Retch.
Oh, and my old question from last journal still stands: What girl/girls most influenced your decision to join, and what girls define the site for you?
Oh, and my old question from last journal still stands: What girl/girls most influenced your decision to join, and what girls define the site for you?
xoxo zoe xoxo