Well, I went to the Suicide Pink show at Club Element last night and got to meet some of the nice young Suicide Girls in the area, as well as some of the Kansas City crew. It was definitely entertaining. I didn't say much because I'm pretty much spellbound and tongue-tied in the company of lots of pretty girls, but everyone seemed pretty cool. I...
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I am so glad you made it, I am so sorry I wasnt around all that often, I was trying to be everywhere at all times, it was awesome meeting you!!!
only 3. but it's okay, I ended up having just enough time to get them all done before we had to head back home.
I'm glad you had a good time!!

Wow, I never update this thing.
Christmas was good, even if I was stuck back in my hometown for a week. I finally got some New Year's Eve plans, gonna go ring in the new year in my favorite bar with some of my friends before a bunch of us go our separate ways. I'd wax sentimental, but that's just not me.
when I saw yr profile pic I smile!
I adore sam and max!
happy new year
I adore sam and max!
happy new year
It is, and it's also the name of my current roleplaying campaign, which uses the Shadowrun rules, but not the setting.
Glad someone noticed my stats.
Glad someone noticed my stats.

I just caught the end of the movie Krull. I had forgotten just how much ass that movie kicked. And I never realized that Liam Neeson and Robbie Coltrane were in it. Or that the end of Dragonheart totally ripped it off.
It's always fun to think of something, and then list the strange reminiscings they bring back. For me, it brings back memories...
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It's always fun to think of something, and then list the strange reminiscings they bring back. For me, it brings back memories...
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I know what you mean, with the reminiscing. I'm re-reading a series of books that I read when I was in fourth grade and It's bringing back all sorts of memories. I know that kind of makes me sound like an idiot, but they provide much needed thought-free relief from the constant cramming for exams. Anyway, they've got me thinking of my best friend from those days and what in the world he might be up to. Who knows?
Happy holidays, and take care.
Happy holidays, and take care.
i had to be baptized 4 times because of t2: judgment day. i kept thinking the end was near.. craziness.
thanks for the comment. i agree fully. i went 6 months lastyr not drinking and it was the so rejunvenating.
ps. i don't kno if you're big into squareenix or rpgs nonetheless but i kno i am. lol
thanks for the comment. i agree fully. i went 6 months lastyr not drinking and it was the so rejunvenating.
ps. i don't kno if you're big into squareenix or rpgs nonetheless but i kno i am. lol
This election is such a tease.
Try downloading a program called Dosbox. It runs a Dos emulator that makes older programs work.
hey whats yr profile bunny's name. I used to read those comics. Maxwell???
SG Burlesque in Iowa City Friday night was great. Well, the stage is barely above the crowd, and it was damned hard to see for a little guy like myself to see. But what I did see was great. Plus, I bought one of the SG books and got some signatures from Reagan and Nixon. Both of them were nice. And Nixon was wandering about...
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haha. that last sentence cracked me up. 


That's my fave sexual position too!

Much much much is new. I got married, graduated, had a baby, and i just started grad school.
Well, looks like I'm going to be absent from Ames for a while. My dad cracked one of his cervical vertebrae, and now he's in a brace for 6-8 weeks. He can't take it off or adjust it by himself (doctor's orders), so I get to play nursemaid back in Muscatine for however long it takes him to heal. This really, really blows. I know...
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Thank you!

I hope things go well with your dad. Good luck! And thank you for the comment you left in my blog.

It's good to be home. Maybe I'd rather be other places than at work, and maybe the air conditioning in my house sucks, but hey, it's where I hang my hat and stash my porn. And who wants to be without their hat-rack or porn-stash for too long?
In other news, I got bit by a camel. In Minnesota.
In other news, I got bit by a camel. In Minnesota.
what was a camel doing in minnesota? what were you doing in minnesota? and what were you doing with a camel?
lol that sucks.
Ah, once again single. And drunk on a Thursday night. Wait, it is Thursday, right? Yep, Thursday. Waiting for the weekend, waiting for my paycheck, waiting to... yeah. Waiting.