All this talk of gun control and rights lately, it all feels like no matter who wins we lose, there are already laws in place that limit how what and where you can carry a firearm/weapons but some of the laws in place are crazy, do people that make them even know anything about what they are making laws on, don't get me wrong I like control and not the standard joke of I use both hands, I work for a FFL dealer and we do the paperwork and background checks it's no big deal hell I would rather know who I just sold a gun to, but the region of them I don't like so much, I'm not going to sit here and quote graphs and and what not I'm just Venting, honest opinion what do you guys think, think we need more or less laws or think it's okay the way it is?
I think some of the arguments are extreme. The dealers we've encountered do all the proper processes, but I've also watched the devastation of a gun in the wrong hands, and not knowing how they got it