the cold comfort of the inbetween,
a little less than a human being...
So I got an mp3 player. Finally. Yeah, I like to stay about two years behind the curve in popular trends. I still use a cassette player walkman now and again...seriously. Anyway, I've been loading ALL my cds into my computer so that means listening music I have not listen to for a while. And I must say that before all the hype the White Stripes were an awesome band. De Stijl in particular. I don't know what happened to ol' Jack, but I remember there was a reason that I used to have a homemade WhiteStripes shirt. In any case. I've gone back to listening to far to much Elliott Smith so I think I'm gonna take it back to high school for a while and listen to all my Bad Religion All Ages and Dead Kennedys Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables all in one sitting. This time around I'll try not to tell my parents off, curse out any of my teachers or tell my boss to fuck off. Hopefully

you look like a indie rocky folky singer star from the midwest...or something...
That's my shirt!