It's l'histoire de le famile
it's l'histoire de le FAM
It's been sort of a while since I have updated, but I have an excuse. I've been running around trying to get my car back, whilst getting use to a new work schedule and starting two summer school classes. Forgive me. Then I was out of town at Dad's house this weekend for my little brother's graduation. That was fun, but I was without computer access...which, minus not getting my SG and Myspace fixes, was really nice. So here, I'm back for a sec. Hello.
I got my car back, it is in good shape and it looks like insurance is gonna reimburse me for all the towing and impound fees. I still am gonna hold a grudge against the city for being such slimy and underhanded bastards about the way they let me know they had found my car. But I am mostly thankful I have that little piece of steel with a small internal combustion engine back with me. I normally hate cars, but I think my car and I have a slight bond from all this. Maybe not. Whatever.
What else? Oh, I've got a beard going. Every month or so I make a false start a trying to grow one but just get annoyed with it. This one has passed the point of no return for me so I think I'm gonna sport it for a bit until I get bored with life and change my outward appearance thinking it will change something. It looks pretty sharp though. I'll post a pic in a bit or something.
Oh yeah, and one last thing to go with all my random comments. I went to the movies when I was back at home to see High Tension.
*Let me preface this by saying that I very rarely go see movies at the theatre (like, the last one I saw was Life Aquatic) but I am sort of a horror movie geek and heard this one was worth checking out. By geek, I mean I am a dweeb that sees horror movies to analyze them from an academic point of view. I read this book once called "Men, Women and Chainsaws" by Carol Clover which discussed how horror movies always have an element of either a powerful mother figure, a fear of the womb, a Last Girl that always destroys the sadistic male(s), or a combo of the three. Now everytime I watch one I nerd out and try to pick it apart.*
So anyway, I saw the movie and forgot what it is like to see and hear pretty hardcore gore on a big screen that you can't look away from. The past two nights I have trouble falling asleep because everytime I close my eyes I have the fear that someone is gonna come out of the darkness and saw off my head with a rusty straight razor
Plus, between that movie and the new M83 album I have an extreme fear of the French countryside. hmmm. Maybe the fear of razors is why I got a beard going now too. Hmm I'm gonna go ponder that for a second.
I'm le tired. I'm going try to le sleep. Night...
Je t'aime the valley
Je t'aime the valley OH!!!
it's l'histoire de le FAM
It's been sort of a while since I have updated, but I have an excuse. I've been running around trying to get my car back, whilst getting use to a new work schedule and starting two summer school classes. Forgive me. Then I was out of town at Dad's house this weekend for my little brother's graduation. That was fun, but I was without computer access...which, minus not getting my SG and Myspace fixes, was really nice. So here, I'm back for a sec. Hello.
I got my car back, it is in good shape and it looks like insurance is gonna reimburse me for all the towing and impound fees. I still am gonna hold a grudge against the city for being such slimy and underhanded bastards about the way they let me know they had found my car. But I am mostly thankful I have that little piece of steel with a small internal combustion engine back with me. I normally hate cars, but I think my car and I have a slight bond from all this. Maybe not. Whatever.
What else? Oh, I've got a beard going. Every month or so I make a false start a trying to grow one but just get annoyed with it. This one has passed the point of no return for me so I think I'm gonna sport it for a bit until I get bored with life and change my outward appearance thinking it will change something. It looks pretty sharp though. I'll post a pic in a bit or something.
Oh yeah, and one last thing to go with all my random comments. I went to the movies when I was back at home to see High Tension.
*Let me preface this by saying that I very rarely go see movies at the theatre (like, the last one I saw was Life Aquatic) but I am sort of a horror movie geek and heard this one was worth checking out. By geek, I mean I am a dweeb that sees horror movies to analyze them from an academic point of view. I read this book once called "Men, Women and Chainsaws" by Carol Clover which discussed how horror movies always have an element of either a powerful mother figure, a fear of the womb, a Last Girl that always destroys the sadistic male(s), or a combo of the three. Now everytime I watch one I nerd out and try to pick it apart.*
So anyway, I saw the movie and forgot what it is like to see and hear pretty hardcore gore on a big screen that you can't look away from. The past two nights I have trouble falling asleep because everytime I close my eyes I have the fear that someone is gonna come out of the darkness and saw off my head with a rusty straight razor

I'm le tired. I'm going try to le sleep. Night...
Je t'aime the valley
Je t'aime the valley OH!!!
That is all.