A quick friday night update...
Your a symphony man with one fucking note
how they beat you up week after week
and when you grow up your gonna be a freak
want a violent girl who's not scared of anything
...help me kill my time
because I'll never be fine
Maybe you've already heard this, but this is the first time I came across it. My favorite song at the moment. Get this song!!!
And would you believe I just made a deal with myself not to be self-deprecating and negative anymore...I think I'll have to stop listening to my records to make that happen. Ughhh

Your a symphony man with one fucking note
how they beat you up week after week
and when you grow up your gonna be a freak
want a violent girl who's not scared of anything
...help me kill my time
because I'll never be fine
Maybe you've already heard this, but this is the first time I came across it. My favorite song at the moment. Get this song!!!
And would you believe I just made a deal with myself not to be self-deprecating and negative anymore...I think I'll have to stop listening to my records to make that happen. Ughhh

I'll try to take some camphone pics of my Bright Eyes adventure, so stay tuned.
[Edited on Apr 03, 2005 11:57AM]
I feel like it has been ages since I checked in with you.
Okay, I am going to get that song now...