So I just got back from my little spring break trip to NewYork/Brooklyn/Williamsburg. I need a vacation from my vacation, hoping to get back to some normal sleep pattern, and being thankful that I live in a city like SF. Not to sound like a dick but I'm not a huge fan of New York. There is something cold, heartless and nasty about it. Plus I don't like paying six bucks for bottles of beer, or vodka and tonics that only have the second half of the formula
The trip was cool though, but weird. Some nights I didn't sleep and those nights which the house was calm enough to I was on the wood floor. I saw the sun come up more times than not.
We didn't do any "tourist" stuff aside walking around Central Park and going to a couple art museums. The trip consisted mostly of just bumming around, eating food (there is a vegan "fastfood" place in Williamsburg, with buffalo wings complete with fake bones!!!) and visting some pretty cool bars.
Anyway, I guess the best way to show is with some pictures:
Subway going by the apartment...
This was like around 6am at Cooney Island and we just saw the sun rise. We all finished 40oz on the subway, so everyone was suprisingly chipper considering the hour.
Central Park
That yellow thing on the bottom had tenticals! It scared the hell out of me so of course we had to pose with it.
This place is where I "lived" for the week.
This is in the airport not 8 hours after I had been spit on by some gansta guys for being white in the neighborhood I was staying in. You remember that episode of the Simpsons where they go to New York to get their car and as they are driving back across the bridge a bag of medical waste hits Homer in the face. I was feeling like that...
Anyway, the whole trip was awesome. I am so glad I went, if for nothing more than to wander around that hipster Disneyland that was Williamsburg. That place was amazing. Nothing but great restuarants, bars, venues and coffee shops with hipster girls as far as the eye can see.
ps- there are a few more pics in the aptly titled "Brooklyn/NYC" folder...

The trip was cool though, but weird. Some nights I didn't sleep and those nights which the house was calm enough to I was on the wood floor. I saw the sun come up more times than not.
We didn't do any "tourist" stuff aside walking around Central Park and going to a couple art museums. The trip consisted mostly of just bumming around, eating food (there is a vegan "fastfood" place in Williamsburg, with buffalo wings complete with fake bones!!!) and visting some pretty cool bars.
Anyway, I guess the best way to show is with some pictures:

Subway going by the apartment...

This was like around 6am at Cooney Island and we just saw the sun rise. We all finished 40oz on the subway, so everyone was suprisingly chipper considering the hour.

Central Park

That yellow thing on the bottom had tenticals! It scared the hell out of me so of course we had to pose with it.

This place is where I "lived" for the week.

This is in the airport not 8 hours after I had been spit on by some gansta guys for being white in the neighborhood I was staying in. You remember that episode of the Simpsons where they go to New York to get their car and as they are driving back across the bridge a bag of medical waste hits Homer in the face. I was feeling like that...
Anyway, the whole trip was awesome. I am so glad I went, if for nothing more than to wander around that hipster Disneyland that was Williamsburg. That place was amazing. Nothing but great restuarants, bars, venues and coffee shops with hipster girls as far as the eye can see.
ps- there are a few more pics in the aptly titled "Brooklyn/NYC" folder...

never been to NY, interesting pics
I sent you a huge ass e-mail. So huge ass it should be illegal.