I guess that we are all in agreement that those Traces of Death movies suck ass. The strange thing is that everyone seems to have at seen at least part of one of those at some point in there life. Weird I guess, but then again it is hard not to take a glance when passing a car wreck...just as long as our neck muscles are prepared to snap back when we see what we knew we didn't want to see.
In any case...
This weekend was okay I guess. Went to see Subtle (Anticon side project for all you kids in the know or who were even remotely interested). It was a good show. Really good actually, but I just don't get really excited about shows anymore
I can't really think of anything I've gotten excited about it a long time as a matter of fact.
On Saturday night I went to the grand opening of a really shitty bar. I got free drinks from the bartender and it still sucked...that should tell you how lame the scene was. PLUS, I could have hung out with emilygee while she was visiting the city if I would have checked my damn email. So basically finding that out after the fact made the aftertaste of such a poopy bar even worse.
I'm just rambling on right now...
Oh but on sunday I went to this World Vegetarian Day in Golden Gate Park and got a bunch of stickers, yummy samples and found a farm sanctuary I can volunteer at for one of my classes.
I've been typing all day though I'm sort of burnt out which might describe this lackluster entry. Plus, I joined this "Coffee Club" at school through the Geography department even though it is not my major
. Basically it is all the organic/free trade/shade grown coffee you can drink for a membership of 10 bucks a month...lets just say I think I already made the membership pay for itself after one day and now I am starting to come down.
I think I'll close with that
In any case...
This weekend was okay I guess. Went to see Subtle (Anticon side project for all you kids in the know or who were even remotely interested). It was a good show. Really good actually, but I just don't get really excited about shows anymore

On Saturday night I went to the grand opening of a really shitty bar. I got free drinks from the bartender and it still sucked...that should tell you how lame the scene was. PLUS, I could have hung out with emilygee while she was visiting the city if I would have checked my damn email. So basically finding that out after the fact made the aftertaste of such a poopy bar even worse.
I'm just rambling on right now...
Oh but on sunday I went to this World Vegetarian Day in Golden Gate Park and got a bunch of stickers, yummy samples and found a farm sanctuary I can volunteer at for one of my classes.
I've been typing all day though I'm sort of burnt out which might describe this lackluster entry. Plus, I joined this "Coffee Club" at school through the Geography department even though it is not my major

I think I'll close with that


So here's something to be excited about: LSATS is almost over and then I will send you presents! Hurrah!
I just hope its not like that chain letter thing where you send $1 to 5 people and in ten years you are supposed to be a millionaire. Did anybody else do that? Kids are so dumb.