I lost my big pink eraser that has, until today, stood by my side for fours years of my college career. And the poor thing got lost in the Chem Lab of all places...no place for such a close friend to be left behind.
Things are relatively low-flow, homework-wise at least, tonight. Only one lab, one pre-lab, and basic review studying...so yeah. Boring shit.
Wow, I thought with a little free time tonight I would have something to say but basically school and a mild attempt at a job search has been my life. Oh yeah shit! I went to the surgeon again on Monday for my knee and he gave the same old, "I don't know what to say. Everything seems fine." and took some more xrays of my hip and back to see if I have any sort of tweaked shit that is causing this or that to pull my knee in and my knee cap out. It is one of those times where I hope against all hope that they will actually come back and say there is something wrong. Then I would at least know what to do to try to fix it.
"Well Billy. From your xrays it looks like you fell on a Ninja Turtle action figure as a child and one of their accessories lodged into your hip which is causing inward pressure on your knee...
...we believe it to be Bebop's knife or one of the Nutrino's Cadillac hub-caps. We will remove it and you will be able to get on with your life."
After five years of this I've gotten so used to no real answers from them that I have already written off the xrays showing anything even before they have told me what they found.
surgeons, chiropractors, podiatrists, physical therapists, yoga instructors, message therapists...none of them have answers. I think I should go see a priest or a prostitute because the only other things I can think of is that my knee is just filled with pure evil or the storage area of highly concentrated sexual frustration
Things are relatively low-flow, homework-wise at least, tonight. Only one lab, one pre-lab, and basic review studying...so yeah. Boring shit.


Wow, I thought with a little free time tonight I would have something to say but basically school and a mild attempt at a job search has been my life. Oh yeah shit! I went to the surgeon again on Monday for my knee and he gave the same old, "I don't know what to say. Everything seems fine." and took some more xrays of my hip and back to see if I have any sort of tweaked shit that is causing this or that to pull my knee in and my knee cap out. It is one of those times where I hope against all hope that they will actually come back and say there is something wrong. Then I would at least know what to do to try to fix it.
"Well Billy. From your xrays it looks like you fell on a Ninja Turtle action figure as a child and one of their accessories lodged into your hip which is causing inward pressure on your knee...
...we believe it to be Bebop's knife or one of the Nutrino's Cadillac hub-caps. We will remove it and you will be able to get on with your life."
After five years of this I've gotten so used to no real answers from them that I have already written off the xrays showing anything even before they have told me what they found.

surgeons, chiropractors, podiatrists, physical therapists, yoga instructors, message therapists...none of them have answers. I think I should go see a priest or a prostitute because the only other things I can think of is that my knee is just filled with pure evil or the storage area of highly concentrated sexual frustration

Anyway, just because your life begins in your 20's, it doesn't have to start the day you turn 20. Consider yourself lucky, my boyfriend didn't lose his virginity 'till he was 24, and he wasn't even kissed by a girl until he turned 23. At least you're in a better position than that.
Besides, you live in the States. And you're a guy. So things happen slower. Maybe your life won't officially begin until you are 25, but that's still in your 20's. But what do I know, I live in a nowhere town in Canada and I'm only 18.
Sounds like you're friends have strong wills not to have succombed to the tempting superiority that lurks in every corner upon moving here. It's frustrating to say the least. It's hard to tell friends of so many years that they've turned into the assholes they used to complain about.. and that i still complain about.
So be it though, right?
(At least Krain's not trapped in your leg! Damn.)