Stay up late doing nothing, sleep in late, go to work, come home and worry about life. Oh yeah Billy, that's really gonna get you somewhere! I have no books to read, none of my friends live around me anymore, and I forgot how much it sucks to try to find a job. And knee pain!!! Oh the joys of a knee problems that actually control what you do with your day to day life...and the day to day in turn makes up life in general. So basically my existence is controlled by one fucked up limb.
So there was this bottle of merlot that I opened last night sitting on my counter. It was about a 3/4 full and I poured about a 1/4 of that into a cup and drank it while I started to cook dinner. 15 minutes later I feel nothing. Hmmm. So not really thinking I polish off the last half of the bottle as I continue to cook so by the time my pasta is ready I have drank 3/4 a bottle in 45 minutes. The bottles empty and now my body is just starting to register the booze in my system...I don't like being that drunk all of a sudden and I hate being that drunk at all when I'm in an empty house. In a brief moment of healthy though I decided it would be best to get myself outdoors. Laying on the front lawn, spooning my dog, I watched the full moon as the dampness of the grass soaked the ass of my jeans and matted down my hair

So there was this bottle of merlot that I opened last night sitting on my counter. It was about a 3/4 full and I poured about a 1/4 of that into a cup and drank it while I started to cook dinner. 15 minutes later I feel nothing. Hmmm. So not really thinking I polish off the last half of the bottle as I continue to cook so by the time my pasta is ready I have drank 3/4 a bottle in 45 minutes. The bottles empty and now my body is just starting to register the booze in my system...I don't like being that drunk all of a sudden and I hate being that drunk at all when I'm in an empty house. In a brief moment of healthy though I decided it would be best to get myself outdoors. Laying on the front lawn, spooning my dog, I watched the full moon as the dampness of the grass soaked the ass of my jeans and matted down my hair

Anyway, you seem like a nice guy... may I add you as a friend?
Anyway, tell me more about yourself... Your bio doesn't really do the best the job, as these things are made to be general.