I cant make up my mind between majors and where I am going to live/move to and I am quickly realizing that if I dont take action soon I will be wasting another semester of my life taking classes that are doing no good.
So I didn't want to go to school for photography, I figured that out. Then I decided on biological sciences but after taking those courses for a semester I realized I am not so much into that (i had these ideas of grandeur that i would be the vegan that made a difference...

So here I go changing majors again even though all the classes I am currently signed up for are only good for my former major. Maybe I should play it safe and let my brains rot out in boredom with a business degree or maybe do something I would find interesting like psychology even though I dont really plan on being a psychologist or go into teaching. Plus i'm torn on were to go; Portland, Vancouver or should i just stay with SF.
I was hopeing, just maybe, typing this out would help a little, but all it is doing is making SF/Oakland sound more realistic but when I go back down there again this weekend I know I will feel why I wanted to move somewhere else.
I have a bad feeling I will make a bad decision because at this point I am holding out my arms hoping something will come by, snatch me up, and tell me what to do. I have so many contradicting thoughts on this that I would think the best thing to do is to stay still, but I have been doing that for so long.
If you read through this whole thing, sorry to bore you, but go ahead and fire an opinion. Maybe you will be the lucky leader that I blindly follow.
song of the day:
Statistics - cure me
(p.s. the song has nothing to do with the entry...I am not that sappy of a guy

To answer your question about the trunk show, I started a little business and I make handbags, clothing and other crafty stuff. A trunk show is this gathering of designers/crafters that get together and sell their things in mass.
San Franciso is great. I know that living in a big city can sometimes be overwhelming but beautiful Marin is right across the Golden Gate and offers a quick escape if city life gets to be a bit much. I vote that you move here. There is so much to do.
Which schools are you considering?
I like your grammer, it is excellent... hah.
I say.. move to Portland and I will move with you.
I have to get out of Pictou County. Hicksville with no diversity.
If you're really that undecided about schooling.. maybe you should take a year off and work? Or is that a possibility? Tons of things can happen in a year.
ps; edited to say: Long Division is the shit. Hot.
[Edited on Jan 11, 2004 9:03AM]