So there are these geriatrics in the audience of an infomercial and they are cheering for gawd knows what reason. So what, the Ronco Showtime Rotisserie can cook a dead animal while you go swill a beer, watch Fox News, shout at your husband/wife/kid. Why is the audience so happy for this piece of garbage? If there was EVER an ounce of rebelious free-thinking blood in any of these already dead humans I would hope to gawd they would be mad if they knew there life was gonna resort to this.
~we're in love, spanning time. like we're a couple, we're husband and wife. we're spanning time, lets span time together...look like you like me and span time.~
~we're in love, spanning time. like we're a couple, we're husband and wife. we're spanning time, lets span time together...look like you like me and span time.~
Random dead-on social commentary by Billyboy.