For some reason have been finding lots of Laffy Taffy at friends houses in the aftermath of Halloween. I am amazed that this shit doesn't get swooped up on faster because it is so damn good and to top it off it is vegan friendly. So I have been noticing it since last weekend and from that point I have been reading all the little jokes that are printed on the wrappers. Can someone expalin these things to me. They are not even jokes. Half of them dont even make since. take this for example...
how come kids are never disgruntled shoppers?
okay you give up...
because first they have to learn how to be "gruntled".
what in gawds name sort of joke is that??? they actually took time to print that. Here I am wasting my time with school when I could just get a job with Wonka candy, get drunk drunk all day, pull nonsense out of my ass and get payed for it.
anyway, everytime I go into the kitchen in the morning and grab a handful of these things I am presented with another asinine thing to tell someone. Maybe thats the point though, maybe the person that writes these "jokes" is an utter genius. maybe not...
Well, this weekend all my close friends, except two, are all going to be in one city, and in one house. And one of those two who cant be her this weekend is gonna be flying in later this week after being gone in another country for her school for the past 6 months.
viva life...
i want to have a positive post for once so im gonna go out on that high note and stop talking right now.
how come kids are never disgruntled shoppers?
okay you give up...
because first they have to learn how to be "gruntled".
what in gawds name sort of joke is that??? they actually took time to print that. Here I am wasting my time with school when I could just get a job with Wonka candy, get drunk drunk all day, pull nonsense out of my ass and get payed for it.
anyway, everytime I go into the kitchen in the morning and grab a handful of these things I am presented with another asinine thing to tell someone. Maybe thats the point though, maybe the person that writes these "jokes" is an utter genius. maybe not...
Well, this weekend all my close friends, except two, are all going to be in one city, and in one house. And one of those two who cant be her this weekend is gonna be flying in later this week after being gone in another country for her school for the past 6 months.

viva life...
i want to have a positive post for once so im gonna go out on that high note and stop talking right now.