So I have been with my girlfriend for about 6 months and my sex drive has tanked. I am 28 years old. She is 23. Her's is in turbo mode. There are nights I lay in bed and tear up when I just don't have the desire to have sex with her. I love her with all my heart. With that being said, before we... Read More
a.] I think if you've tried everything else and isolated that as the variable, then the only way to find out for sure is to try it.
b.] I understand the "being offended" thing, from her side, because I've been that girl. It's a really hard thing to get around -- it seems silly, and some people don't care. But if she's the type that cares, it hits HARD. It does feel like cheating, or just a slap in the face. Which leads to ..
c.] I think you most certainly need to talk to her about it, and hopefully if you can be as honest and thorough as you were here .. with her? Hopefully she will trust you. Because in the end, as crazy as it will sound to her, it's -for- her. You gave it up and that was no big deal compared to making her happy, right? So it's not like there's any competition -- she's top priority. But now this is coming between you .. so it needs to be addressed. Hopefully she can alter her perception. With your help.
d.] I most definitely do feel that if you were used to a certain amount of that, previously, and then stopped .. your desire could have dropped off.
If I were u i wound start masterbating again and see if that helps. She my get offended but for some men masturbation is a stress reliever and popping one off will help make sex last longer if your not already holding one round in the camber
My girlfriend and I have been "living together" for a little over 5 months. I put that in quotations because she has her own place still but hasn't stayed there in since maybe october In an effort to save money we have decided that we could move in to her house (Her rent is $800 for a 3 bedroom house while mine is $630 for... Read More
I guess just be straight up with them. You guys want to save money as a couple, want to move into the house but would like it to yourselves. If they say they will go once the lease expires, will it be soon enough? Just make sure when you discuss it that you emphasize the truth; you don't want them to move out because they are a crappy roommate, you want privacy.
Thanks Killary! I appreciate your feedback. We got it figured out. The roommate is staying till August. Works for us because he will be gone a lot for work.
Sigh. I am back in school. Accounting, Calculus, and Macroeconomics. Next semester I have to take Statistics and Microeconomics. All this work to get my MBA. I should have stayed in the Business school instead of getting a Journalism degree. Gross. Anyone have any experience with Professional/executive MBAs? What do you think about them?
A degree doesn't make you a better, more professional or more competent person. Those qualities are character traits which can only be honed a bit by any degree program.
The usefulness of your MBA depends on the particular program and its focus, and depends on what you want to do with it. A marketing focus is useless if you are aiming toward operations, and vice versa. What you learn ultimately depends on you. Good luck!
So here's the deal, I am weighing out my next tattoos. I am wanting to get the words "Angel" and "Devil" on top of my shoulders. I was thinking about getting them in Hebrew as I come from Jewish heritage however, I am not sure if I like that idea any more.
b.] I understand the "being offended" thing, from her side, because I've been that girl. It's a really hard thing to get around -- it seems silly, and some people don't care. But if she's the type that cares, it hits HARD. It does feel like cheating, or just a slap in the face. Which leads to ..
c.] I think you most certainly need to talk to her about it, and hopefully if you can be as honest and thorough as you were here .. with her? Hopefully she will trust you. Because in the end, as crazy as it will sound to her, it's -for- her. You gave it up and that was no big deal compared to making her happy, right? So it's not like there's any competition -- she's top priority. But now this is coming between you .. so it needs to be addressed. Hopefully she can alter her perception. With your help.
d.] I most definitely do feel that if you were used to a certain amount of that, previously, and then stopped .. your desire could have dropped off.
Good luck to you. You sound really sweet.