Good Evening Everyone,
So I moved in. Finally away. It's weird. This is the first time in awhile that I had my own room. Well, in Afghanistan I did. But, it was smaller than a jail cell and...ya...not gonna count that. But it feels good
My buddy Jesse and I are still getting things settled in. Jesse and I served together this past year.
Things that are on my mind as of lately. I wanna go back. Badly. I had fun and I hated it. Love Hate Relationship. While I was there a buddy of mine got me in contact with a group of people that deploy all the time all over the world. They deal in comms. Which is what I do. And I love it! Couldn't ask for a better job in my mind, but that's me
Just need to get a few more forms filled out and submit and see if I can jump aboard. Think it could be a blast of a life time. But I wanna be back for awhile and stay around. But if I do that, I may not go....who knows what may hold me up. Really wanna go.
While I was over there I was already getting all of the forms ready and was in contact with this said group, sounded like they wanted me.
Other things on my mind. I hate cities. Lol. Driving around town and these drivers scare the crap out of me! Not paying attention to where they are going. Awhile back ago, I think on New Years. I was walking back from my sisters (Bout 2 miles away, not far) and some lady I guess felt like she didn't need to stop at the stop sign. I had to jump out of the way. PEOPLE ARE CRAZY!!!!!! lol
So another note, something that is generally always on my mind. No, it's not sex. Security lol. Keep your stuff secure. To easy these days for Hackers to get into your stuff. Like Macs. Easy. Well, not quite but like your iPad, iTouch, iPhone...etc those ones? Default username and password is out there, google it. root/alpine, not your pin. But like your administrator username and password. It's a default one. Download SSH and change your password! It's pretty easy.
Well i'm gonna jet.
So I moved in. Finally away. It's weird. This is the first time in awhile that I had my own room. Well, in Afghanistan I did. But, it was smaller than a jail cell and...ya...not gonna count that. But it feels good

Things that are on my mind as of lately. I wanna go back. Badly. I had fun and I hated it. Love Hate Relationship. While I was there a buddy of mine got me in contact with a group of people that deploy all the time all over the world. They deal in comms. Which is what I do. And I love it! Couldn't ask for a better job in my mind, but that's me

Just need to get a few more forms filled out and submit and see if I can jump aboard. Think it could be a blast of a life time. But I wanna be back for awhile and stay around. But if I do that, I may not go....who knows what may hold me up. Really wanna go.
While I was over there I was already getting all of the forms ready and was in contact with this said group, sounded like they wanted me.
Other things on my mind. I hate cities. Lol. Driving around town and these drivers scare the crap out of me! Not paying attention to where they are going. Awhile back ago, I think on New Years. I was walking back from my sisters (Bout 2 miles away, not far) and some lady I guess felt like she didn't need to stop at the stop sign. I had to jump out of the way. PEOPLE ARE CRAZY!!!!!! lol

So another note, something that is generally always on my mind. No, it's not sex. Security lol. Keep your stuff secure. To easy these days for Hackers to get into your stuff. Like Macs. Easy. Well, not quite but like your iPad, iTouch, iPhone...etc those ones? Default username and password is out there, google it. root/alpine, not your pin. But like your administrator username and password. It's a default one. Download SSH and change your password! It's pretty easy.

Well i'm gonna jet.