Well, I would say it's safe to say that myself and Cruorem_Angelus have done a first in SG History. We have conducted a SG Net, or what I said over the radio was Sierra Golf. For those of you who do not know what I mean by SG Net. We conducted a radio net. We were talking through Amateur Radio means of communications.
We had...
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We had...
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*Assumes that the chocolate contains Amortentia, the mead is poisoned, and the butterbeer is probably flat*
I used the butterbeer as a marinade. 5 points to Gryffindor, I GUESS.
I've been back in the US for over a year now. Time has gone by pretty quickly so far, at some points it feels like it's been a few years since I was last there. I miss it..
But it is what it is.
But it is what it is.
Jiminy, sorry man. I was under 18th EN BDE at the end but at the first part 176th EN BDE.
Very nice. 101 here
Past few weeks have been tough. Liveable by far, but I've been drawing myself in my shell more and more each day. I've been distancing myself from my family and others. I've realized that I get angry pretty quickly since I've gotten back, like from zero-to-sixty in 3 seconds. But I'm controlling it more, didn't really realize why this was happening.Then a buddy of mine...
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Sweety that's rough...glad things are looking up for you.

Yeah. It's strange. The effect mothers leave is unlike anything else. Good or bad, passed away or estranged, .. It's always heavy.
So my past 24 hours...has been weird. I woke up watched some Stargate the went to my brothers. He has been smoking a pig for 18 hours plus! Hung out with a few of my nieces nephews as well. Had fun. Then I went up to Portland with some military buddies of mine. We stopped by this bar, which was pretty kool.
This is where...
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This is where...
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Which bar were you at? Hopefully you had a good time overall! Sorry about that chick being kinda lame!
I was at Dixie Tavern, you know where that is? I had a great time, I can't really blame her tho. Random guy, I could have been some weird creeper. Haha
Only time will tell.
Today is the start of my third week back at work. It's an easy job, mellow. Just dealing with all types of people. Some happy, some pissed off, some really crazy folks. It's a job, better than I figured I would be doing coming off of a deployment.
But, I'm just not happy staying put. In one spot. So I've been...
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Today is the start of my third week back at work. It's an easy job, mellow. Just dealing with all types of people. Some happy, some pissed off, some really crazy folks. It's a job, better than I figured I would be doing coming off of a deployment.
But, I'm just not happy staying put. In one spot. So I've been...
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It was at Cape Meares! 

Alot has happened in the past week. My buddy called me and offered me a job. So i'm working full time again. At first I thought it was a mistake, didn't think I was ready to be dealing with alot of people. Since i've been back i've really just crawled into this hole and haven't really came out.
Family would call or anybody I...
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Alot has happened in the past week. My buddy called me and offered me a job. So i'm working full time again. At first I thought it was a mistake, didn't think I was ready to be dealing with alot of people. Since i've been back i've really just crawled into this hole and haven't really came out.
Family would call or anybody I...
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That's awesome. I hope it all works out for you. 

I wanna go back.
About two days ago a old friend add my on Facebook. Haven't heard from him since January 2009 my last drill with 2136. That was a fun one. Had some good laughs, didn't sleep it was below zero. What guess could a guy from Northern Minnesota ask for?
Back to the point, he added me. Today we chatted. He's been going...
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About two days ago a old friend add my on Facebook. Haven't heard from him since January 2009 my last drill with 2136. That was a fun one. Had some good laughs, didn't sleep it was below zero. What guess could a guy from Northern Minnesota ask for?
Back to the point, he added me. Today we chatted. He's been going...
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I'm very lost.
Stage One
I have no idea what to do. Before I left I figured I had everything figured out. Since I was in middle school I figured I would stay in a job that involved the US Government, disappearing into the deepest secrets of our government. Leaving everything behind.
While I was over there I figured out, I didn't want to...
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I'm very lost.
Stage One
I have no idea what to do. Before I left I figured I had everything figured out. Since I was in middle school I figured I would stay in a job that involved the US Government, disappearing into the deepest secrets of our government. Leaving everything behind.
While I was over there I figured out, I didn't want to...
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Good Morning!
I feel like a vamp. Well...not really. I can't sleep. Been having troubles sleeping lately. Once I get asleep i'm fine, it's the falling asleep that's getting me. I was asleep but my buddy woke me up by mistake. I wake up easy so now i'm up for the rest of the night. :/
Not alot new. Been hanging out around the place...
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I feel like a vamp. Well...not really. I can't sleep. Been having troubles sleeping lately. Once I get asleep i'm fine, it's the falling asleep that's getting me. I was asleep but my buddy woke me up by mistake. I wake up easy so now i'm up for the rest of the night. :/
Not alot new. Been hanging out around the place...
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