wham, bam, thank you, ma'am....lol
So, this past week, I've knitted 8 scarves, 2 hats that need to be re-done (fucking directions are WRONG!! followed them to the T, right measurements, but it doesn't fit), and I have an order to make another hat.....I feel accomplished!! Is it so wrong that I don't want to go to work right now, just make things until I can't take it anymore and then go back to work???
So, this past week, I've knitted 8 scarves, 2 hats that need to be re-done (fucking directions are WRONG!! followed them to the T, right measurements, but it doesn't fit), and I have an order to make another hat.....I feel accomplished!! Is it so wrong that I don't want to go to work right now, just make things until I can't take it anymore and then go back to work???

The Mrs. Crochets and Does Plastic Canvas Work !!
Knitting is w/ those long straight needle things right?!?