Ok, so I feel the need to vent....and rant. And mind you, this is MY opinion.....
My roommate was showing me a site that has "My Life Is Twilight"....all I have to say is WTF?!!??! Really, it's not a good book, and it's a horrible movie...I haven't seen New Moon and I've read all but the last book in the series, I can't believe the dumb fucks that are out there. One post I read really had me unnerved, there were no words...."One night my golden retriever jumped into my bed and I pretended that it was a werewolf"...Now, I may have paraphrased that a bit, but, EWW!!!
You have a dumb bitch that can't make up her mind on whether she wants a dog or a statue....left to rot from the inside out and then claims true love when he's back....uhh.....that sounds like obsession, and leading to ..."I fell..."
And what's with the whole I want to become a vampire and spend the rest of my days with you as an immortal, but I will not marry you deal.....am I the only one who finds that beyond retarded and contradictory?!
Maybe if....no there's no maybe.....sometimes there's no help for people....
My roommate was showing me a site that has "My Life Is Twilight"....all I have to say is WTF?!!??! Really, it's not a good book, and it's a horrible movie...I haven't seen New Moon and I've read all but the last book in the series, I can't believe the dumb fucks that are out there. One post I read really had me unnerved, there were no words...."One night my golden retriever jumped into my bed and I pretended that it was a werewolf"...Now, I may have paraphrased that a bit, but, EWW!!!
You have a dumb bitch that can't make up her mind on whether she wants a dog or a statue....left to rot from the inside out and then claims true love when he's back....uhh.....that sounds like obsession, and leading to ..."I fell..."
And what's with the whole I want to become a vampire and spend the rest of my days with you as an immortal, but I will not marry you deal.....am I the only one who finds that beyond retarded and contradictory?!
Maybe if....no there's no maybe.....sometimes there's no help for people....

Here's Something For 'Twilight' Fans ...