Still my phone is withildong my pictures...
thats okay I have a REAL camera. It had been a odd week, been tempted to shoot one of my dogs. Not quite used to the "country" life. He barks at every little thing that moves in the night, but at moment is to just return the favor by waking him up while he naps during the day by banging on back door or allowing him hear my cats' meow at my open windows. He doesnt like pussy.
Secondly, a friend of mine had decided to quit smoking, and the wee lamb had got sick with pnemonia and valley fever. He had been on Facebook on how badly it hurts and how he can't breathe. Telling him suck it up probably be insensitive on my part, so I had call him he was pussy, he replied he was what he ate.
Thirdly tried to make a fanfiction, got one page (front and back) filled and got a writer's block. How extend that farther. Something will come to me, and probably make something really REALLY out there...
Anywho, just wanna to make an entry. Check up on everyone and probably posted some picturez later on it the day.
Ten seconds of random.

Secondly, a friend of mine had decided to quit smoking, and the wee lamb had got sick with pnemonia and valley fever. He had been on Facebook on how badly it hurts and how he can't breathe. Telling him suck it up probably be insensitive on my part, so I had call him he was pussy, he replied he was what he ate.

Thirdly tried to make a fanfiction, got one page (front and back) filled and got a writer's block. How extend that farther. Something will come to me, and probably make something really REALLY out there...
Anywho, just wanna to make an entry. Check up on everyone and probably posted some picturez later on it the day.
Ten seconds of random.
That's always my response when someone calls me a pussy. LoL