A new blog is in order but it's my bed time so it will have to wait for another day, I will try to do one in the next day or two. Just so you know the last two weeks have been hell for me mentally, the only thing keeping me sane is school believe it or not. I was actually very close to going to the hospital last week, my counselor was very close to getting me to go, but she spent an extra 15 minutes at the end of our session talking to me and making sure I was safe to leave which I thought was really nice, she was generally concerned for my well-being and apologized the next day for not fully evaluating and understanding how bad things are for me which I thought was super awesome but I cant blame her for anything. I did break down in session and cried almost the entire time but it felt good.
Apparently my back is fine now, it's been two days and it doesn't hurt. I feel silly going in to the doctor and saying "my back hurt a couple days ago", but I'm gonna anyway and see what they can do.

We've been referring people to Euphoria. I actually have an appointment there for my birthday to start my tattoo project...