Oh shiiiiiit. What the fuck is up with Ozzfest this year? COMPLETE SHIT! No good bands. None. ARRRRH. Lacuna Coil? Melodic pussy metal! Suck my ass! Disturbed? OLD NEWS. BLS? Might as well me suited up to open for My Chemical Romance. What happened to GOOD ole Ozzfest? Why has it turned to complete shit? Goddamn you. I want METAL not SCREAMO!
Bonnaroo sounds AMAZING! I want to go so bad. It's a lot of money, and traveling, but worth it. Three day long concert with the Dresden Dolls, Sonic Youth, Beck, and other trippppppy bands. It nurtures the hippie in me.
I'm going to see Kittie in May. Although I don't like the "new" Kittie, I adore old school Kittie, and I respect Morgan and Mercedes, so I am surely going.
I think I'm going to see Van Ghost on the 24th. I'm not into Hardcore much, and I'm not into Screamo at all, but it's something to Jam out too. We're already going to be in Winchester for tats, so we might as well go
I want to see Scarling., Otep, and Crisis. Right now!

Oh shiiiiiit. What the fuck is up with Ozzfest this year? COMPLETE SHIT! No good bands. None. ARRRRH. Lacuna Coil? Melodic pussy metal! Suck my ass! Disturbed? OLD NEWS. BLS? Might as well me suited up to open for My Chemical Romance. What happened to GOOD ole Ozzfest? Why has it turned to complete shit? Goddamn you. I want METAL not SCREAMO!
Bonnaroo sounds AMAZING! I want to go so bad. It's a lot of money, and traveling, but worth it. Three day long concert with the Dresden Dolls, Sonic Youth, Beck, and other trippppppy bands. It nurtures the hippie in me.
I'm going to see Kittie in May. Although I don't like the "new" Kittie, I adore old school Kittie, and I respect Morgan and Mercedes, so I am surely going.
I think I'm going to see Van Ghost on the 24th. I'm not into Hardcore much, and I'm not into Screamo at all, but it's something to Jam out too. We're already going to be in Winchester for tats, so we might as well go

I want to see Scarling., Otep, and Crisis. Right now!

So great!