I am starting to hate everything, once again.
My fucking lovely father is once again making me feel unworthy of love whatsoever. If I hear "You need to look NORMAL and stop doing this to yourself" I am going to fucking crack. I want to take a hammer and bash every single one of them.
Mary is a cunt.
Once again, screwed me over. Why do I even bother? I am the only one who actually puts up with her preschool shit anymore, and I'm done. She can crawl in a corner and rot.
BUT. Last night was kiiiiiick ass. Jean was there, didn't know it, but I saw her adorable self standing with her boytoy, and she came running over. How I love Jean so much. I haven't seen her in like... almost 9 months. EEK. <3
Then we hung out with Shelly the rest of the night, and that was a dream come true. mmmmm. Shelllllly. :faints:
Tonight is going to be fun, whether my day was a complete waste of life or not.
I am starting to hate everything, once again.
My fucking lovely father is once again making me feel unworthy of love whatsoever. If I hear "You need to look NORMAL and stop doing this to yourself" I am going to fucking crack. I want to take a hammer and bash every single one of them.
Mary is a cunt.
Once again, screwed me over. Why do I even bother? I am the only one who actually puts up with her preschool shit anymore, and I'm done. She can crawl in a corner and rot.
BUT. Last night was kiiiiiick ass. Jean was there, didn't know it, but I saw her adorable self standing with her boytoy, and she came running over. How I love Jean so much. I haven't seen her in like... almost 9 months. EEK. <3
Then we hung out with Shelly the rest of the night, and that was a dream come true. mmmmm. Shelllllly. :faints:
Tonight is going to be fun, whether my day was a complete waste of life or not.