Party! Par-tay! Whoo hoo! W00t! Rock on! I've been feeling a little down lately, a little stressed out. But a party might be just what I need.
Hope everyone in Florda is taking shelter, hurricane Charley is kicking some ass.
As for me, I might be kicking some ass tonight. I started drinking an hour ago...won't my guests be surprised?
What's the craziest thing you've ever done at a party?
Hope everyone in Florda is taking shelter, hurricane Charley is kicking some ass.
As for me, I might be kicking some ass tonight. I started drinking an hour ago...won't my guests be surprised?

What's the craziest thing you've ever done at a party?

Greetings and salutations! Im totally with you on the glad but kinda sad to know that others feel my pain. And its crazed, cause yeah I thought I was fat back in high school even though I was like 70lbs lighter than I am now. Its such a vicious cycle, bounding back and forth from being like "yea me im hot and big and society can just kiss the fattest part of my ass if they dont like it" and then feeling like total crap cause all the super cute clothes you want dont come in a 2x and the sales person looks at you like your insane for asking.
On another note though, thank you so much for your advice on the arguing thing...thinking of the cutest thing he's said or done definately diffuses my anger. You rock!

Did I mention you look hot in your profile pic yet? I can't get over it...I want to smother you in kissez.