It's Hallowe'en this month. The best festive event of the year. I will be spending it with my bloke and xalmostx and her other half- YAY! I'm so excited already...
Tattoo convention this Sunday, fucking yes. I might be working the flyer and stickery stuff for SG, might not, either way I'm there and lovin' it! Dotty and xalmostx will be joining me too I think. Yup yup. Ooo, and in kitty76's journal she said she might be going, so I hope she is- Woop!
Life is pretty sweet right now. Work still sucks, but it's worth it for the paycheck right?
I look like such a mess most of the time. Haha!
I think the best part of being a girl is doing your hair and putting on make up. I love taking pictures. Unfortunately I have to stop dying, straightening, blow drying and doing stuff with my hair 'cos it's falling out. I don't wanna go bald, but if I do, at least I can get some rad wigs and not feel guilty about paying a shit load for them!
I kinda look bald in this one!
Fake eyelashes fucking rock.
Ooo ooo and I bought some sweet ass bows from Accessorize. Fucking love it!
Anyway, I hope everyone is good. Me loves you all!
Lolo xxx
It's Hallowe'en this month. The best festive event of the year. I will be spending it with my bloke and xalmostx and her other half- YAY! I'm so excited already...
Tattoo convention this Sunday, fucking yes. I might be working the flyer and stickery stuff for SG, might not, either way I'm there and lovin' it! Dotty and xalmostx will be joining me too I think. Yup yup. Ooo, and in kitty76's journal she said she might be going, so I hope she is- Woop!
Life is pretty sweet right now. Work still sucks, but it's worth it for the paycheck right?
I look like such a mess most of the time. Haha!
I think the best part of being a girl is doing your hair and putting on make up. I love taking pictures. Unfortunately I have to stop dying, straightening, blow drying and doing stuff with my hair 'cos it's falling out. I don't wanna go bald, but if I do, at least I can get some rad wigs and not feel guilty about paying a shit load for them!
I kinda look bald in this one!
Fake eyelashes fucking rock.
Ooo ooo and I bought some sweet ass bows from Accessorize. Fucking love it!
Anyway, I hope everyone is good. Me loves you all!
Lolo xxx
but im sure we can meet up some other time
i had a few problems that day and also i thought the ticket was a bit expensive...nevermind im sure there will be other conventions in future!!!
take care