Theo smiles at the new house. He is one happy little puppy.
I have the midwife in an hour and am absolutely bricking it. I have to have blood taken and am petrified. They never understand either why someone with tattoos has such a fear of it, but it is completely different. They are taking something out of you. I don't like vaccinations either as you can feel the stuff going in. Basically, it is just totally different from getting tattooed, end of. Oh, and the fact that both of my ditches are heavily tattooed means that finding a vein is basically make-Laura-a-pin-cushion so that probably doesn't help the nerves either! Ouch!
28 weeks and 3 days. FAT.
Sorry for my grumpiness recently. I love all the friends I have made on this site, and that is the reason why I am still here. Plus I am allowed to be overly grumpy for these few months, right?
It is just a shame I was put on ignore before I was allowed to make my point, but ho hum.
My hair is a mess. I am going to ask the midwife today whether I can use a home dye and do it, so hopefully she'll say yes and I will go for a nice dark brown / red. Then cut the back short, keep the front long and cut a fringe in. I used to have it like that and I liked it. Not that I even bother to straighten it these days!
How are YOU?
i am well.. thank you for asking.