Oh my.
Oh my indeed.
Hallowe'en was immense. So much fun.
Me, my cousin Soph, and her boyfriend Josh. I was a dead pirate wench by the way.
Me and my friend Dean, who was a gay sailor zombie. He did have a fake handlebar tache, but god knows where that got to by the end of the night!
SImon and I. His beard was enough costume for any of us!
Anna, Soph and me. God, this picture rocks!
Hope you all had a good one.
L xxx
Oh my indeed.
Hallowe'en was immense. So much fun.

Me, my cousin Soph, and her boyfriend Josh. I was a dead pirate wench by the way.

Me and my friend Dean, who was a gay sailor zombie. He did have a fake handlebar tache, but god knows where that got to by the end of the night!

SImon and I. His beard was enough costume for any of us!

Anna, Soph and me. God, this picture rocks!
Hope you all had a good one.
L xxx
Yay for pirate costumes! I love your chest piece.

more costume goodness i need better friends to share in the fun with x