I hope all is well in your worlds!?
I can't believe its 6 months today since the UK went into Lockdown. It's crazy to think that half a year has gone and everything is so different now. Has anyone else forgotten what normal is? Or is that just me?
Anyway, I hope you are all surviving the craziness and looking after yourselves!
It's been a crazy month or so for me and at times I do really struggle! But I'm podding on as I do and just trying to stay positive!
I am in the process of uploading my next SG photo set and I am SUPER excited to share it with you all!
I only did the shoot a few weeks ago and and it was with the amazing Arrowphotography. We took some normal content for me too and here's one of the edited shots which I LOVE!
I'm not sure how long the queue for new sets is at the moment so fingers crossed you guys wont have to wait to long to see what we got up to!
Anyway just wanted to check in, love y'all and take care!