Ok. A proper actual real blog that actual documents things that are happening in my life. Here goes.
There is something liberating about going into a meeting as a programme leader with your boss, her boss and the 14-19 curriculum advisor for the county and having bright pink hair. My job are very accomodating with the fact that I change my hair/image so often which is great considering what I do.
I started this job in January. I am a programme leader and lecturer in a college on a course for 14-16 year olds who don't fit into mainstream education and come to us instead. Usually the kids that everyone else hates to teach but I love it. They have so much potential but no one gives them a chance. Have had some great success stories since I started which is great. It is a lot of hard work but definately worth it. I also taught young people with disabilities which was a real eye opener and so much fun. I teach everything from maths and english to photography and media and love the variety.
Jake is 4. Wow. Hes so big now. He cheats at board games and tells me "I am the rules!". His 4th birthday party took place in our house/garden and was lovely. He makes an awesome spiderman. He goes to a nursery on my college site and we have just found out the college are closing it in just under a month leaving me sod all time to find new childcare
It got on the front page of the local paper and I was directly quoted slagging off my employers. Its odd because half of the people think im a hero and half a villain so its funny walking down the corridor at work!
I make the best party food
I have been working hard to lose weight. Since January I have lost a stone and maintained that lost. Still ideally want to lose another stone.
Still havent quite finished my top back piece but am working on it
Cheekiest little person ever!
I adore my home. It has 2 good size bedrooms, an office, really nice kitchen, bathroom and kitchen, a huge driveway, a garage and a good size garden. I love my tokidoki posters in the living room. Its nice to feel at home and in a house I feel really comfortable in.
This is the most recent ink I have had. A purple lotus flower in the bend of my arm. I love it
Too skint for any ink at the moment but looking forward to the london tattoo convention.
I have been seeing a guy for a few weeks now and its going well. Just see how it goes as ever.
Tell me one thing you've done in the past 6 months that will make me smile

There is something liberating about going into a meeting as a programme leader with your boss, her boss and the 14-19 curriculum advisor for the county and having bright pink hair. My job are very accomodating with the fact that I change my hair/image so often which is great considering what I do.
I started this job in January. I am a programme leader and lecturer in a college on a course for 14-16 year olds who don't fit into mainstream education and come to us instead. Usually the kids that everyone else hates to teach but I love it. They have so much potential but no one gives them a chance. Have had some great success stories since I started which is great. It is a lot of hard work but definately worth it. I also taught young people with disabilities which was a real eye opener and so much fun. I teach everything from maths and english to photography and media and love the variety.

Jake is 4. Wow. Hes so big now. He cheats at board games and tells me "I am the rules!". His 4th birthday party took place in our house/garden and was lovely. He makes an awesome spiderman. He goes to a nursery on my college site and we have just found out the college are closing it in just under a month leaving me sod all time to find new childcare

I make the best party food

I have been working hard to lose weight. Since January I have lost a stone and maintained that lost. Still ideally want to lose another stone.

Still havent quite finished my top back piece but am working on it

Cheekiest little person ever!

I adore my home. It has 2 good size bedrooms, an office, really nice kitchen, bathroom and kitchen, a huge driveway, a garage and a good size garden. I love my tokidoki posters in the living room. Its nice to feel at home and in a house I feel really comfortable in.


This is the most recent ink I have had. A purple lotus flower in the bend of my arm. I love it

I have been seeing a guy for a few weeks now and its going well. Just see how it goes as ever.
Tell me one thing you've done in the past 6 months that will make me smile

Things seem to be going well for you sweetie - you look fabulous! xx
Haha yeah it's weird, but at the same time you hope that they recognise you!