oi, its been a while.

lookin for an apartment to move into.. reeeeeally really hope i get the one downtown. walking to everything rocks.

it seems that i have all these plans, all these great scemes to accomplish in life.. but it turns out so differently, like craziness, in the end. or, is this just the begining? every place in my life that i had...
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Hey Beckett its been awhile how goes it?
wrar. set didnt go through. guess it was too blah. its difficult to get an original one in as i hear it. oh well. three months to try again. and this time, i'm gonna be smashing! a friend and i are taking practice pictures meanwhile biggrin yayyy fun!!!!! smile love xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxxo. besides. i really think my sex should be sg, and not plain F. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;D

woohoo i'm that friend biggrin ...i think biggrin smile :| frown yay? lau lau i'm almost done with the painting, tomorrow i totally think i'll be finished, and i'm bringing my bazooka (big-ass camera) to SDSU tomorrow so i'll snag some shots, and spot a few hotties for you along the way wink tackle you later, bye!
we watched The Notorious Betty Paige just now...!!!!!!! SO FUCKING AWSOME!!!!!!!! i had no idea that that's what it was like, for her. she gives me inspiration for sure. fucking just.... down with it, dude. i love it. my hero now lol. YAY BETTY PAIGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

o, and i got the new Dresden Dolls cd, Yes, Virginia. awsomeandamazing as well. i love it, cant stop listening...
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So when are you going to go SEE Dresden Dolls?

Wait, that might make you 'splode.
Thanks for dyein my hair chica! wink
the perfect seqwen: being an obviously fucked up alice with a bunch of obviously fucked up imaginary rabbits and mad queens and cheshire cats.... listening to modern moonlight and...... sipping tea together. many pictures shall be taken. oh yes, there shall be blood..... *mad cackles* <3 LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes, there will be blood. ARRR!!!
Everytime I'm with you its an adventure, thanx Beckett Lauren Ashley III... wink
am at christiekat's... got sebastian his collar.... and padlock........... and leash..................... anything i'm missing? oh, thats right... the key..... ummmmmmmmnope, that would be mine thank you smile can't wait for halloween... will be a fucking rocking cool alice. and yes, i've had vodka tonite. the fuck are you asking me for? oh, but i'm a meticulous typer. habits.

1- truth or dare jenga.
2- mixed drinks!...
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You amaze me with your intricate words. Sid jumped into the bath tub yesterday you missed it . It was funny because he didnt want to get out for a while for some odd reason. Anyways yay for the episode of CSI NY and indeed talking outside when its below freezing or something. Miss your company ttyl, and have a great day!!! wink
note to self and bastards who think a label equals "its" fashion: you are retarded. realkids are actually cool, the idiots who go for the fashion jus cause they think its cool are real bitches and should get a fucking clue. thank you. that is all.

oh. and the bubbles left a crecent in my cup. its pretty.
Whos bubbles thats funny people are funny, kids into fashion are funny. That is all. smile
The D'lush guy wrote "Ash Emo" in cursive with strawberry sauce on my smoothie. That made me smile in irony. I loved it- so a new sn somewhere. I shall find one, lol. biggrin

Couldn't stop playing that fucking awsome musicbox piece in my head on the way to Christmas shop (early, yes, but better, yes?). That one tune i so enjoy... as his handwork is...
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Hooray for Emillie Autumn, and wine and kittys and stuff. smile
I heard its going to rain this weekend yay........We should go to cemetary drive. smile
the application is finished! finally.... but, i'm getting more ideas for shoots, and i wanna try them all! haha. well, if the first one doesn't exactly thrill whoever's approving them, i know for sure i can do better. its a learning process indeed. that, and it's fun as hell. LOL!

something is supposed to happen tomorrow, and i forget what. oh well. it'll come to...
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I have tons of ideas you could for the next shoot. Im very happy for you too by the way. Oh and ZAP hahahahahahahaha. It will catch on soon or not.
do yo know my soul, my soul? the face of fear brings fear of death. what is there to be afraid of? one life this life a life withheld cannot be seen. my soul you comfort me, for i see you, and you see me standing here, on the edge of disbalance with a lost gaze upon my lips. you see them, don't you? flux...
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Thanks, doll! kiss
today is the nichiren buddah meeting at SWC. its going to be reeeeally interesting. :3

couldnt sleep last night. a neighbor found me smoking up on the balcony and we went to rite aid for coca cola and mike's lemonade. we just hung out on the steps- i had a few and he had some cigs. PURE. GREATNESS. i dont know about you, but that...
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