happy halloween
this weekend was pretty good, after killing myself with a paper and a midterm last minute for friday morning tongue i hope i didn't fail.. university is sucking this year.. gah i don't know what to do
anyways i went with my roomie taryn on the train to oakville and met up with her other friend there and we took the go to union...
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morning! i woke up early today =S i never wake up ne later then 9am especailly when i want to sleep in. tongue
I got my tongue peirced yesturday kinda funny i walk into the place and the girl's like you've been here b4 right? and i'm like um nope, and shes like u look familiar.. so i tell her i want to get my tongue...
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right back atchoo with the good weekend stuff though i guess it is over,

nice niew pic.
Last night i greyhounded it to london to visit my ex gf, just cause 2 of her housemates weren't going to be be there so shes like hey its a good time for u to come visit. visiting her probably not such a good idea, but i like london and taking random trips. so whatever i go and we buy beer and start drinking and...
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you had another good weekend. i napped, because i'm nearly dead.
wow. sounds like fun! all except the part about your ex grinding her friend in front of you. that sucks.

so did you get your tongue pierced?! I LOVE mine. I've had it for years now and cant imagine taking it out.

well...hope your week is going well! kiss
*updates* well the week wasn't too bad.. i'm living to tell about it i guess. i'm most certain i bombed my physiology of fitness midterm.. oh well. i went home for the weekend, got a ride from my friend ^_^ weee fridaynight my friends got pretty drunk, i didn't drink tho i was driving and didn't want to anyways. I brought this girl i used...
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thats nice you got a chance to go home for a bit. hanging out with old friends is always nice. too bad that girl was hitting on your friends. frown I'd be upset too! but drunkeness does weird thigns to people!

have a good day doll! kiss
dry humping in public....hehehe...now that's a sight i'd like to see wink
ike this week will kill me.. i don't want to do any work tongue blah i have a paper due, and a test and 2 midterms on the same day tongue and i'm sick and fell off my skateboard pretty bad today got my shirt kinda bloody.. and i found out i have low iron.. so i'm going to start taking iron pills cause i don't eat...
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ahh what a week.

hope all is better now. it's ok to be corrupted and i didn't recieve an invitation to your teaparty. hmmmmm
I hope you made it through the week sweetie! kiss
wake up, skateboard home... fall on my ass in the rain lol. ya so i did noo work yesturday.. just drew my friend this thing she asked me to, to get tattooed. went to my friend's house last night.. got kinda drunk.. yeah i'm sooo not sxe n e more.. oh well i was for like a year and a half.. but i just decided...
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Happy October!
i had my 1st midterm today, not too sure how that went :S i kinda bs-ed some of it.. oh well it was at 8:30am and i didn't goto bed till 2am. there was some foreign guy who'd been drinking in my room, he's like albanian? one of my roomies had some friends over.. and they wanted to talk to me. Then they...
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ugh...i hate taking exams and not being confident when i finish. when it gets really bad on the multiple choice questions and i don't know any at all...i have to stick with the classic "abba cadabba" method and that just sucks the cack! robot
yeah it sucked. last month I worked that long. went in at 4pm and didnt get to leave til the following morning at 6am. but thats fucking hella overtime so.. whatever but I'll be pissed if I'm here that long tonight!

ok. I'm stupid. whats mongo?
i think i just burnt my pizza.. in the microwave. lol. mmm i heart broccoli and asparagus pizza ^-^ i ordered pizza last night, i haven't done that in a long time, me and taryn ate it on the airmatress which we transplanted onto the futon in the basement. its pretty swikid.
I think i did really well on my stats quiz yesturday, there was...
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kiss you would be very welcome at any meetups! too bad you live all the way up in canada... kiss you're adorable
biggrin zim zim zimmmmmmm
ah man its already tueday, i skipped my women studies class yesturday to take my friend to the bus station to go back to sauga eeewww long bus trips tongue last time i was on the grey hound this guy with a mullet was offering me and my friend jello shooters out of his back pack :S at 11am... man windsor is pretty sketchy.. oh ya...
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got your app for the SGAU group, just wondering why you'de like to join.. leave a reply back in my journal.. thanks..
try talking with Azlea, she's a canadian and has recently moved to Sydney to study at uni... i'm sure she'll be able to give you more info on immigration and all the stuff you have to go through..
so this weekend two of my friends from home came to visit ^-^ which was good, except it sucks being underaged still frown oh well we went the riverside park i love that park or parks in general, and always going to them. ne ways.. we walked all the way downtown via thee park.. well they walked I limped.. i hate limping, so i skateboard lol....
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sounds like a good weekend, what more can you ask.