saturday went out with friends, it was one of my friend's b-day i made her a hemp necklace ^-^ we went out to a club.. u know.. one where guys pretty much try to fuck u through your pants :S i don't dress slutty at all or ne thing either. but i like to dance, saw a bunch of ppl i kinda know it was cool. funny tho cause my friends were like your the lesbian but yet you get more guys then all of us.. heh, so this guy gave me his #, even after i told him for sure that i'm a lesbian... so we could chill somtime.. it was kinda sweet.
ne ways my moniter broke
but then my friend lent me hers
cause shes a doll, and she bought me cake.. hehehe
i'm suppose to be chillin with that girl i'm into on friday, i called her even tho my friend was like no, ex shtufffs.. and she called me back and i was all excited.. wow.. i really like her
i was taling to my friend today and she said my life sounds like a soap opera lol, she also said i talk like a hippie, or sound like one... ppl in my class were saying i always have funny facial expressions that make me seem like i'm plotting somthing. weird
ne ways my moniter broke

i'm suppose to be chillin with that girl i'm into on friday, i called her even tho my friend was like no, ex shtufffs.. and she called me back and i was all excited.. wow.. i really like her

hehe nothing wrong with sounding like a hippy